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Why is it so hard to find a JOB!!!!!


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And I would like to make it longer by adding my thanks to those members of FTF who have given up their valuable time to give such sound, positive and frank advice.

Another suggestion - what about volunteering to fill that gap on your CV? As David said Young Farmers are always looking for help. What else do you enjoy apart from farming? There are loads of volunteering jobs and most pay travel costs etc. Have a try on http://www.do-it.org.uk/ and see what comes up.

hope you are successful and keep us all informed, best wishes from Auntie Jo  :)

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Bit late in the day (hadn't noticed the thread) but I run a recruitment firm and may be able to help. Sadly my line of work is in the food and drinks industries so I doubt I can actually find you a job, however I have seen more CVs and profiles than McDonalds have seen calories so if you like send me your CV/covering letters and I'll give them the once over. Others have made some good suggestions on CVs, especially the length and layout. Another point is to understand on average people spend 30 seconds looking at the front page only before making a decision (they may read the rest later on) Send me a PM if you want me to check it out.

My general advice would be:

Be prepared to do something else (shops, kitchens, retail etc...), it shows ingenuity and energy if you work regularly, regardless of industry, at your age farming will have plenty to offer in future.

Curb your passion, but only a little and focus it in the right areas.

Be proactive, sending a CV is fine but calling (where possible) is always better as a starting point.

Always be polite, friendly and courteous- every industry requires this (that's not aimed at you but I am amazed how many job seekers have a frankly crap attitude)

If all else fails you have your health and a job will come, in the meantime get converting some top models to flog  ;)

Hope this helps

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you lot have been a great help in all honesty and im very gratefull. things have been looking up today.

i have contacted a few farms out by minsterley, one of the farmers was not in so i left a message and he got back to me, he gave me his brothers number and he said he will have a word with his neibouring farms as a few are looking for work so i gave him my details.

while i did that just to cover my own back i bought the local newspaper as its the main job night, there were plenty of jobs that i phoned about, unfortunatly most want full time staff although a dairy has taken my details just incase nobody else phones about the job.

i then phoned a large modern pig and arable farm about 6 miles from where i live and they sounded very interested in me and are sending me an application form to fill in and send back, they can also cope with me being part time aswell as the job role would be flexible and so i would be at the heart of the business prepared to do any job be it on the pig or arable side of the business.

i know this means i havnt got the job as of yet so i will keep trying elsewhere but its sounding promising.

my main problem is people are looking for full time workers and i calnt do that due to college comitments

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hi mate. i had a job on a farm..still have but only now and again. but i applied for a job in local spar shop. and i flaked the interview. got 95%. but they ak me to work in the butchers. now i have a full time job in butchers starting on monday.

it should be easy as all part time school staff are at school and the shops are looking workers. go for it

Best Regards


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My tip............

Jobs working with livestock exp dairy cows may not be as cool as driving a New Holland TM190 on an arable farm but you'll find that theres always things that need doing so your much more likely to get your foot in the door with a full time job on a stock farm being more labour dependant.

Good luck.

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Have been looking at this over the past couple of days and some really good points have been brought up.  The key ones for me are your CV and attitude. I have had 4 jobs and my CV is 1 page long no more. I have included a brief description of each job roles and responsibilities. You have to keep a positive attitude, people are more likely to employ some who is positive and up beat. Another point is facebook and forums are great places to meet people but it is important to remember that when things happen it is important not to post them on these open forums, employers do look at facebook so remember be careful what you post. Finding jobs are not easy so stay positive.

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i agree with you all

i have done allot of work over the past 4 years and this past year has tought me allot, the big arable farms are not what they are cracked up to be. there a great place to work dont get me wrong but the risks are too high and you just get stuck doing the same job.

this is what has made me want to go back into stock work as there is always something different to do.

on the up side another dairy farmer has got back in touch with me and has said they are losing one of there workers soon as hes on a gap year and so need a replacment for him and so i could be a possible replacement as college is only up the road from the farm

i think my problem before was i was contacting very small farms and businesses that dont need many workers and so thats why i wasnt getting anywhere.

ill soon let you guys know if anything progresses, it just takes time and finding a farm needing a worker is like finding a needle in a haystack

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