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For a moment when I first saw the title of this topic I thought it was going to be something 'politically incorrect'! ;) There's been a lot of frogs and toads about this year being very wet. I don't have a pond but have a lot in my garden and there's been plenty of slugs to keep them nourished.

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We have had a toad here since we first moved in so that's coming up 3.5yrs, so he/she is older than that. Anyone know how old they live too? We always check on a wet night before we let Zia out as it is nice to have some wildlife in our small garden and I'd hate for her curiosity to harm the poor fella.

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One of my dogs loves to be out in the garden late at night looking for toads, they seem to fascinate him, trouble is that toads don't taste very nice! Toads have glands on their skins, that's the bumpy lumps on their backs, that secrete a nasty bitter fluid, not that I've tasted a toad myself, but if an animal, such as a dog or a fox should lick it or attempt to bite it, the toad will secrete this nasty stuff, my dog never learns, he invariably ends up licking a toad and the result is, a dog with a grimmace, toungue in and out, foaming mouth and drooling uncontrolably.

Edited by powerrabbit
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