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UH Fendt 818 Problem


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I've just picked up a UH Fendt 818 in the latest Brown Country Collection box.  On opening the box and examining the model I see the paint on the cab frame is all cracked and flaking off.  The rest of the model is fine, just the cab.

Anyone else's model in a similiar condition?  Only paid ?9-00 for it so not to bothered but I was wondering whether it's a general fault or a one off.


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Only bought this one because of the price.  However I?ve just checked my second Brown Country box version 818 and it has the paint cracking as well but no flaking yet.  The paint flakes off very easily, it?s as if it hasn?t adhered to the plastic.  Almost as if the paint has shrunk.

I've checked the Green Country box version and the Fendt boxed Petrol Blue versions I have and they do not have the problem.

Photo of for reference below.  I think you should be able to just make out the crack lines on the cab frame (in the Fendt green).  The darker area in at the bottom is where the paint has flaked off completely.  Looks like a duff batch.  A careful inspection before you buy a UH 818!!

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