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the bailing gang


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Oft we jolly well go for a days work (in style)

stopping at the shop for me baccy other bailer crisps wrapper energy drink


the good ole 7210 rowing up


spitting one out


30 acres in two hours rowing up and bailing the wrapper took a bit longer as he was putting on 6 laylers of wrap 280 bails  ;D

on to the next farm 40 acres to do


feeding time



lots of em 451 in three and half hours  ::)


then we spilt up i done a 12 acre bit chopped and addative the other bailer 15 acre bit tidying what dident go into a clamp and a early night is was indoors by half ten  ::)

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Some nice snaps in there and some cracking machines, the Welgars a good bit of kit mate?

The welgars will eat anything in the way fast the only prob if had so far is chopping at 1 am wet grass but that might be very narrow rows (farmer dident have time to do a proper job) been up to 15 kph in some fields so far  ;D

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