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Harvest 2007 + Gap year


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Well recently been kepping sprayer going while on fertiliser and spraying fungicides and insecticides with bowser which has meant fair bit waiting around at times but who would moan at easy pay :D :D

Then today started getting this ready to go subsoiling Challenger MT765 with 5m folding shakerator been unblocking the scrapers on it (thank god press and scrapers being replaced by a DD press as current one is a heap of sh!te)

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Well iv spent last 2 days on this beast shakerating all our maize ground breaking up plough pan etc did lovely job just upset that wont be on it again:(:( But drank in region of 650 litres according to tank meter in 22 hours  :o :o



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Nah still smiling Tris is a lovely cab and thing to drive apart from being extremly jerky transmission :( but other then that its heaven ;D ;D

Hopefully be working for bloke called Andrew Mills mate has sorted it all out should meet him soon for final sorting out ;D ;D

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Well been a few months since update so thought would do one on whats been happening in Berkshire :D :D

We have mainly been doing alot of spraying and fertilising which is now for most part finished in last week we have just finished doing a protein spray on the wheats

Well for the pics first one is what i did all game covers with was this our Cat MT765 on the brand new cultivator i was first person to use it and set it up :D

Then finished off the potash spreading on spring ground with the 818 and when got 3 ton fert in back shes a bit edgy on the road :D



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Well i then got called in to plough up some more maize ground that had been silage ground for a fair few years they had tryed to plough it but couldnt get it to dig in so the big boys got called in me in the Case MX220 on 7 furrow KV

Then we finally took row crops off the 818 and i got it back till at least harvest ;D ;D ;D so went off tipping rubbish around the farm  :D



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Just thought show first pic to show my point we now have to recycle all plastic on farm and have to take it to be recycled but closet place for us is the otherside of basingstoke on the a 30 pretty much which for us is a 60+ mile round trip or so and thats a 12 ton trailer full to the brim of bags of crushed pesticide bottles around 30 half ton bags which is only 4 months worth for a farm our size.  But have to take it so far away to be enviromentally friendly yet amount of diesel used getting there must ruin all gain!!! And unsafe, as im transporting pesticide bottles even if they are washed theres still resisdues in them being transported across the county!! So why not let us get rid of them in safest known way to burn them and get rid of all resisdues and anything harmfull in them, rant over :D :D

This tidy Fastrac turned up one day with excavator on back from local conny to do last bits round barn but wouldnt think its a 2001 its pristine :o :o



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Then now its all getting ready for harvest everything being washed down all grain stores and then all bin systems etc are being sand blasted and then fungicide being sprayed on everything.  To wash down we use the bowser running pipe off the engine with reducer on end does a brill job as alot pressure there as i discovered when i slipped once :D

Then me and sprayer filling up around mid afternoon with fertiliser for protein for milling wheat to boost it up a bit



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Then final job in last week has been carting straw for the turkey sheds as there due to arrive this week ready for the christmas market about 26 weeks maturing time free range oragnic the lot lets just say there expensive when finished :D :D  But thats 11 tons of straw in that pic on trailer rated for 7 just little overloaded ::) ::):D


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Well in the last week it has been the offical start of summer for me setaside topping has started and cultivated our first field friday ;D ;D  But if ever want to completly kill a 250hp magnum put a 6m terrano behind she hated me that afternoon but it woke her up a bit ;D ;D :D :D



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Well they do eat a chunk of our feed wheat and oats but we also buy in alot of turkey feed for them, thanks for reminder ol as all the turkeys arrived this week 5250 of the curious birds :D

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Yer im kept busy just pity im being replaced in september with the new student so looking for a job now :D :'( :'(

She looks ok on them but she dont half look stupid on row crops from front especially from rear 14 inch row crops filling a mudguard meant for a 710 tyre :D

Fingers crossed should be on it for few days while our combine drivers at wedding in august so here's hoping ;D ;D

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Whats next Phill? A pig farm would be a neat place too work for a year I'd always thought,lots to larn and you still get to drive tractors.

You spend half the time passed out on the floor with methane poisoning, plus they eat your ankles, puncture your wellies, them moving boards always end up taking your arm off in the wind  :D :D

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Whats next Phill? A pig farm would be a neat place too work for a year I'd always thought,lots to larn and you still get to drive tractors.

Looking at trying to get job on big silage contractor in another part of country to see what like working in other parts country and gain bit more experience really looking for south of england as lovely area :) :) or go up in to east anglia and work on another arable unit with hopefully row crops

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