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Harvest 2007 + Gap year


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Well we finally got going yesterday and had nothing but troubles :'( :'(  We have broken down 3 times in 3 days so far problems are a bearing on the header drive shaft, electric motors on sieves giving up and now the sprocket at end drive shaft on header has sheared so only got 70 acres done in 2 days. But i managed to get few pics of the second time round headland of the first and still current field :D

And my rig for summer Fendt vario 818 and 14 ton western



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A few pics from today when we finally got going properly with no breakdowns but had to stop late afternoon as rest fields just arnt ready :( :( but least got to play with my camera

Still on my rig so im very happy  :D

And combine getting on with the job in hand



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well so far this season has been horid!! Nothing but rain and grabbing bits when can dont think we've had load yet that hasnt needed to be dryed :'(  we have only just finished the OSR and about 3/4 through our oat harvest with 150 acres left. But here are some pics probs bit more interesting then me rabbiting on :D :D

Chasing the combine on some of our Winter barley (only had 70 acres this year)



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Well we managed to 5 mins after this pic take a stone on up through the header snapping one whole side of ladders but luckily it didnt make it to the drum which took us around 5hours to fix had to take the whole lot out as had snapped the chain in a few places as well :'(

Then we managed to carry on with our OSR harvest i had this for the day while other bloke was away for day, and it was ok i will admit that nice comfy ride but it is guttless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Then we moved on to our last farm of rape and was around 200 acres with round trip of 2 hours or so, we had our partners join us for this so had 2 lexion 570+'s and on the go one with 25ft and one with 30ft (ours).  For the first load i had the magnum while was getting spool sorted on fendt washer had gone then by second pic i had my fendt back ;D ;D



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How did the combine driver find the oats to pick up? They look horrid to cut, they can be a real nightmare when they are like that. What model Deere is it? Can't see it on our crappy pc.

i dont see any oats there

nice pics there looks like fun

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My mistake there tris those pics are of the Barely should of made that clearer can give me a numpty :-[:D :D

But he had few troubles picking it up main trouble was stones were table was running so low he was glad was only 100 acres but way weather is 90% of oats are now on floor with alot wheat heading that way its just not going well :'( :'(

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My mistake there tris those pics are of the Barely should of made that clearer can give me a numpty :-[:D :D

But he had few troubles picking it up main trouble was stones were table was running so low he was glad was only 100 acres but way weather is 90% of oats are now on floor with alot wheat heading that way its just not going well :'( :'(

i new it was so i was right hope that puts me in the clear thanks

your luckey youve got the weather here it just raining most farmer havnt done there barley

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well were still at it the weathers not helping one bit still got around 450 acres left to cut :'(  so instead going back to college I'v been asked to stay on for longer which iv agreed to as means more money :D

One of the sun set in our last field of Oats just before we had another breakdown  :D

Well we worked well into the night fixing it and got going again next day and managed to start on the wheat and amde most of the decent weather this picture was taken at 2am when bosses had gone to bed 3-4 hrs ago and left us to it and was first time in while we were running smoothly :D



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