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Farming action near Neuss (Germany) last three days

Richard de Florennes

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hey Sascha

great pictures there are some that really stand out as top claas. I can kinda understand what your saving

To end this topic and to avoid any conflicts about the writing on my pictures; that should be it - maybe forever (by the way, creating pictures of high quality should be appreciated the same way as creating farm implemt models  :'(, and as appreciation obviously lacks here, it is probaly the wrong place; maybe I should stick to pure Farm modell topics from now on)...

Nice you can buy modells on your own - I am not able to do this and so I have to pay for it.

By the way, what you can see in here can you also see everywhere in your own countryside without any difficulty, good luck then!

heres my opinion, ultimately i guess you do have the right to sell the pictures if you want, but up to now everyone here was posting pictures on the forum to show everyone else what was going on in their part of the world. most i think didnt mind if some one else copied their photo. but heres the difference you are doing it for a commercial basis so there is different circumstances involved. posting up the photos in the general boards with writing on the photo does spoil it to a certain degree. how about reducing the amount of photos you post up and leave out the writing, so people can get a taster as to standard and quality of what you have on offer, then in the for sale section you could have an offer of for example 100 pictures for ?x based on particular categories etc. that way like the model builders you are able to advertise by posting up a few examples of pictures of what you have to offer, if someone decides they like what they see they may decide to go ahead and buy some more.

alternatively why not make and sell some posters or cerate a calender??

there my opinions


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I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with Alan here. While your photos are very interesting and of very high quality, putting writing on them seems to be causing a lot of dissatisfaction among other users. So I  suggest that you use a seperate website for marketing your work, where you display samples with or without writing, and keep pictures on the forum just for fun, with strictly no writing. If this problem is not resolved soon I can see a policy being implemented by the moderators where anyone that posts up pictures with writing on them has their posts removed, in the interest of fairness to the other members. You are not the only person who has good photographs on the forum.

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