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dariey farm

Massey Boy

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i yoused to ride foraging with this farm i had never been to the farm itself but i fond it on googel maps wow them sheds

one day in the summer my mum complained about the smell of the manure/slurry  ::) ::)::) they were spreading which stanck and mad your cloths stinck a inspector went and said to my mum the farmer has two much slurry/dung he has to keep spreading

it and i can see why

how big are them sheds how many darie cattel can they hold each ??? ??? ???

the tractors they had where case c150 ??? ,c150 front loader,nhts115,nh tm 130,nh tsa ???,mf 6180/70 ??? front loader

mf6270 front loader they have marston trailer from my pics

claas 880 forager

all i have been in

some others that i havent been in are

case magnum 7210 , 8280 claas 3 gang mowers

i fink the farm is called pill house fam

this is from my memerie if any one help please do


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i know that farm massey boy  ;) been there many times did not build the parlour but do go there to service it with my brother in law my brother in law built the slurry store there  ;) it is owned by the goodwin family milking 600 cows three times  a day  in  a 32 point westfalia rotary parlour

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i know that farm massey boy  ;) been there many times did not build the parlour but do go there to service it with my brother in law my brother in law built the slurry store there  ;) it is owned by the goodwin family milking 600 cows three times  a day  in  a 32 point westfalia rotary parlour

thanks for replying thats one load of cows see why they were spreading every day

next time you go there can you get me sum pics please

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