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Classic Tractor July 08

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good read mr day

that MH121 is very impressive, but its too perfect ha ha!........i would like to take it to the sand pit, but not want to scratch it.........

what it needs is front linkage, a buckrake and huge wieght on the back, then you would have something ha ha!

the steel track crawler article is a laugh.........makes driving anything new sound dead boring.......

thanks for the great read, the spain wrecking yard took me by supprise, i been searching the used tractor sites in europe, posting pics here and post some to marky (ebro MF155?! with 20000hours on it)...........and found out you beening looking into those places also ha ha!.......spanish JD's would be interesting to find some nice ones (you never thought i would say a JD is nice huh)........JD in spain is really a whole new chapter, just like IH in mexico

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Dear Puds

Glad you finally got the mag and enjoying it by the sound of things. I often wonder if it would be an idea to send some boxing gloves with your subscription copy, to save you from self-harming?

The thought of you getting your hands on that lovely pristine Muir-Hill 121 is frightening....the damage you could cause....!

I have to say I was dead pleased when Steven Vale 'found' the wreckers yard in Spain with all its Ebro models., etc. I half-fancy doing something a little more in depth on Ebro, with all its Fordson and MF variants. They also came to the UK in the late 1970s, but unfortunately by then the tractors were looking pretty ugly and were more Ebro than MF/Fordson. I've seen pictures of the tractors that came to the UK, but never seen one in the flesh. Now that would be a good find.

Keep reading!


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few Ebro come here , i have a customer with one, its a 460? dark blue, square, ugly, apparently its a renault based unit?? i think its a 3 cylinder

there is a 470 forsale on trademe at the moment

they say its a MF175 clone


that one is in the same town as that MF135 with 124 hours on it

gloves might be a good idea, i get funny looks and the classic tractor has a passionate following here, believe me it goes from house to house, like a lady in the night.!!!.......one of the mechanics i work with is from cornwall, and he about shed a tear when he saw the kidd forage harvesters..........and the county lifeboat tractors

great effort............

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I know I mentioned it already in the email the other day, but now I've read it again, brilliant.

CT really is a great mag, good work sir.

Always wish it was twice as long though!!



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Dear Puds,

Nice one, thanks, ditto Simon, much appreciated. Just finishing off the next one and hopefully it should be as good as the July issue.



Ive no doubt it will be as informative and interesting

as its always is rory

CT is still no 1 pick of the bunch in my book  ;)

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