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Posts posted by noel

  1. Ok, this is my first attempt at a setup, hard to follow Garret ha ha! here goes ha ha!

    I have no farm setup made yet, so sticking with Carpet Farming.

    The pics below shows the following fleet:

    Claas 880 Harvester

    JD 7930 on Kane 14T Trailer

    JD 7920 on Redrock 14T Trailer

    Mc Cormick MX175 on Fraser 14T Trailer

    Claas Ares 836 with a Kuhn FC 303 Mower

    JCB 416 on Buckrake


  2. I seen at least 3 different silage outfits working today.

    The first one was just before Dungannon (was out looking at a car for a friend)

    It was running 3 new holland TM's (not sure of models) 2 kane 16T trailers and a Redrock 16T

    The self propelled was a New Holland yellow FX66 i think, looked in mint condition.


    The next two fleets where about a mile from each other near Hillsborough

    A JD Self propelled not sure of model, 2x6920 with 16T Kane trailers


    A Claas 880 With Ford 7740's again with Kane 16T Trailers

    Been an eventful day ha ha!, wish i had the camera with me  :-[

  3. they are definately a great tractor! It NEVER brokedown on me and i've got into a few situations especially spreading slurry on steep ground and sliding back over the slurry, just put my boot on the diff lock and she just tears on out, problem sorted.

    There is also an 88-94 4WD, though i cannot seem to find any pics of it, i did like driving it, but not as much as the big bruit!!!

    If you ask me they look more like tractors back then than todays models, don'tget me wrong, i still love the new models!!!

  4. don't know why but these tractors hold a great ammount of appeal to many, me included , they just look the part

    nice pics  :)

    I couldn't agree more, its been a year two now since i've last driven that tractor. The farmer in question sold his dairy heard and diversified into horses, he still has a lot of his machinery and would mainly use it now for making haylage, though the Taarup 622 has been sold  :(

    I still try and help him now and again during the summer, but thats not always easy when you've moved on and to another full time job!

    Those were the days...

  5. First of all im Sorry, if i've put this in the wrong section. Found these pics as i was clearing out my room. I worked on this farm in particular since i was 12 up until i was 21. Unfortunately farming no longer pays and the farmer sold up  >:(

    I miss it more than he does, anyway enjoy the pics, by the way thats me spreading the slurry. Loved that tractor to pieces!!!

    Sorry about the picture quality, scanned in off photos that are a good few years old.








  6. New or old we all love our brothers all the same Noel  ;) - Many happy returns of the day mate... enjoy your carting as well... boy your gonna ache tomorrow morning...  :D :D

    Your not wrong about the aching part, bones feel like they have been a few rounds with Mike Tyson ha ha!

    Really don't want to be in work today, anyway happy birthday to The-classic-collector and ford4ever.

  7. Thanks everyone, Im relatively new on here and its nice to see people i hardly know wishing me a happy birthday.

    THANK YOU!!!


    I've so far got a Fraser trailer i bought of Martin, have a funny feeling my girlfriend has got me a Britains Shed set and a few UH Models, and to top it off im going karting tonight which will be fun. Not really liking the 26 Years old bit. 25 was easier to handle ha ha!


  8. i was just mentioning thats all.

    I've buckraked a good bit, with tellehandlers, tractors etc and find that a rear mounted buckrake on a tractor seems to be better (in my opinion) What im basing this on is, you can get more silage into a pit if the ramp is steeper. I've used a telehandler while buckraking and if you have a steepish gradient the handler doesnt go up it so well, whereas a tractor could.

    We had a massive open silo and the first cut that particular year was excellent and i had to change from the tele handler as i was getting three quarters the way back into the pit before i reached the top, if you understand what im trying to say. Changed to the tractor and buckrake and could put a good bit more into the front of the silo.

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