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Everything posted by Coxy

  1. tank you both but i not happy wiht it
  2. great picture again any of all your farm please
  3. some pictures in the pictures i did them close up and you can see the way the paint came out, so you dont get anything that else. it does not look as bad in the model
  4. it done forgot to put up pictures, the person i built it for want bright green and red but had to paint it because i could not get the right colour in spray, the paint is not 100% prefect but would look good an any display but hte person i built it for does not want it I am going to put it up for sale you can pm about it or i might put it up in classifield i will see
  5. thanks but last time that was not my display it was my borthers but say hi to me there u know my display it on here
  6. I hope to have some water trough maybe some feeding trough and i will see what else i will have if any??
  7. nice lay out that you made there
  8. lookes very well turned out a nice model
  9. p.s. can a mod or Andy change the spelling so no one get mix up and go to the wrong place
  10. if i have a jd biro and i dont like jd that much he must have one
  11. i saw some of that being builded when they were working on the gear box i though thre was some very nice machine there i was at it all week
  12. just getting ready for the ploughing to go with my other uncle to set up his stand today and coming back on thursday
  13. i know but it is dealer just brought in 5-6 tractors i saw it today
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