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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. just had a HUUUUGE downpour poor old dog was stuck outside hiding under the outside table during it :D
  2. thanks for all your help as BC said its nice its still in the family, she wont go anywhere im never going to sell it dad appreciated the information as well so thanks again
  3. it was my dads model when he was young , just wondering how many were made, are they rare, and just general information on the model would be greatly appreciated. here are a few pics of it
  4. fair enough, get them on soon as possible mate
  5. any pics of your farm so far then mate?
  6. his side even :D no mate, im on the fence, all im deoing is helping you with your tree search
  7. its odd seeing such a big tractor with no 3 point linkage or PTO and nice pics by the way thanks for sharing them
  8. o, its a bit far for me to travel \
  9. ah right, thanks for that little nugget of information
  10. ye like that but 4WD with a loader, so in a way its not like that
  11. no honestly im a good boy same here but its the word BLUE not massey goodnight mate
  12. http://www.brushwoodtoys.co.uk/toyfarmbuildingsandaccessories.asp?ID=151&product=Scenic%20Trees%20(pack%20of%205) there you go mate
  13. isn't that a 8630 with different decal
  14. the big cheese wants his grub and the rozzers pop round for a nose around
  15. the new home for the JD beast and a pic of it
  16. thankyou it works quite well, just a bit tight for the bigger tractors :D
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