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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. Bleedin' 'ell!! What a stunner. . .

    Anyway back to the trailer, before Ol stands on me! :D

    Nice work, looks like a handy little trailer for carting a few bags of seed around, or some hay out to the winter cattle. If Ol is helping you it won't be long before you'll be making a cultivation train or an irragation set! (While he sits out on the sun deck with a cold one! :D )

    Tris you beat me too it!

    cracking photo's.....and the scratch build is bloody good aswell!

  2. There is indeed one in Mike Thornes collection.. and also one in the Paul Rackham collection too.. I don't have many Ferguson broochures Mike.. my real area of interest is from 1958 and upwards (to the mids 80's really in all honesty)

    I'll have a look though... you never know.. I may surprise you  ;):P:-*

    understatement in massey ferguson overalls right there!

    interesting implement! am i right in thinking that the bars with tines on move left to right?

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