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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. i dont think you are going off topic Bluegreen, the state of the economy has an affect on peoples spending no matter what theyre buying.

    I would say we are in a worse position than Greece as they can only go up the Uk can still fall further.


    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *breathe* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, so you're saying that some where that needs a $147billion bailout is better off than us?! 

    they can't only go up?! they're gonna be repaying that $147billion loan for a long while yet, and how will they repay something half the size of their GDP? serious cuts in areas such as culture and public services (public services make up 80% of their economy!!!), it's going to be grim, especially if Germany get their wish and make them take a penalty for needing the loan in the first place..... so will greece be able to afford the repayments or will the IMF (ie USA) be called in, and they do a wonderful job of ruining peoples economies....

    the UK government would have to do something stupid to quadruple our debt so it was over 100% of our GDP. we have the 5th largest economy in the world, Greece is nearer 25th.

    and Bluegreen, i don't read the financial times, and i'm not really interested in economic theory either, but your fire and brimstone attitude, indeed anyone with that kind of attitude while making sweeping generalised statements and  without being more than vague about figures and sources, really irks me- i believe in politics they call it "spin"

    must stop, need to pack to go home from uni


  2. I for one do not believe any of the government figures on growth and believe the recession has hardly begun let alone ended!! 1. I read a lot of financial and economic articles and most of these are carefully avoided by the main stream media who dont want to panic the people (you lot in other words)  The Greece situation was being written about 1 year ago and yet the media only reported on it for first time in march this year!!  The future I can tell you is "extremely worrying" and its coming up quicker than the politicians think!  I like my little hobby of buying models albeit in a very discernable way  but I fear THE REAL problems to come are going to put such trivialitys into sharp focus :(  I certainly would not wish to be a model seller with a vast inventory of stock in the current climate and I would be very surprised if there werent more casualties like Toptractor before the financial hurricane ceases in maybe 10 years time :of  Just wait for the emergency budget figures and then the second and third wave of emergency austerity measures all due this year!! 2. Remember we are vastly more in debt than the greeks and they are already bankrupt!

    1. a Labour government keeping quiet the truth until after the election by influencing the media.

    2. Greece's GDP $343billion, its debt is currently at 115% of its GDP ($395 billion), UK GDP is $2.67trillion, and our debt is $610billion.

    Italy's national debt is over 100% of its GDP, Japan's national debt is over 194% of its GDP. We are far from bankrupt.  indeed we were closer to bankrupcy after WW2 while repaying marshal aid, our national debt was 180% of our GDP. Panic not. The entire  EU economy is about 1/4 of the size of ours.

    3. yeh great so the UK government have announced plans to make savings of £6.2billion between 2010-11. what do you expect?

    we aren't in the Euro currency wise so I'm not inclined to panic, the lib dems wanted to take us into the euro though...

    i'd keep reading those journals if i were you, and after that i advise you start on Harry Potter books....

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