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Everything posted by convo

  1. lee ,,, i think you need to buy a pressure washer from Mandy( holly loves toys ) ;D ,looks good mate well done ,, it looks at if you have used real dirt
  2. after all my palaver with this uh model i actually thought about punishing it buy painting it pink or some thing ,but then i thought how much this would cost me in the pocket ,not only in paint and materials but super glue alone , :laugh: :laugh: would need about a 1 liter i recon , i have took siku ,wiking and britains apart with no dramas but these thing are like working with wafer biscuits so if any body asks me to paint a uh model i will have some very select words for them ;D
  3. you need to contact siku and tell them of the problem i am sure they will be more than helpfull go to www.siku.de
  4. well i have been doing a bit of promotional work for a new Holland deal ,and this is my story , first of all i have been doing some promotional work for a new Holland dealer and i decided to treat my self to a uh new Holland t 6090 and as you can see it is amazing model and what was more amazing is when i got it out the box and removed the base plinth , the left beacon fell off so i turned it over to see what had happend and then the step from the opposite side fell off :of so i turned it over again to see what had fell off and,,,, low and behold the left rear light that attaches to the cab ,,,,yes you have guessed ,,,, it fell off :of ,now by this point i was just about to catapult it over the fence in to the field behind my house > > ,,,,, now is it just me or what ,,,,,,, at this point i had to walk away from the ....thing . so i collect up all the parts and super glued them all back on ,the only positive experience that has come from this i have found out that uh tractors loves super glue and i mean loves super glue , it is that good you carnt even tell ;D (((((((((WARNING PLEASE DO NOT LOOK TO HARD AT THE PICTURES JUST IN CASE SOME THING ELSE DROPS OFF)))))))))))))) i think i might just stick to siku \ \ \
  5. you know me josh i would just do all of them ,if you don't like the way they turn out at least you will could sell them on and generate some funds to replace them ,one thing is for sure i don't think you be out of pocket selling them as a set
  6. they are just the badgers nadgers as they say up here ;D ,top draw Mr MB Trac 8)
  7. lee please just tell us all how mutch fun it was painting that pain in the a*** trailer ;D
  8. i am so glad that paul had" relieved" me on this subject . ;D ;D ;D
  9. hey mark what you saying there has already been a" mass debate " all over the John Deere subject ;D ;D /
  10. cheers Paul for clearing that up ,i have it clear in my little brain now ,but maybe the whole wiking 7*30 / 6930 thing should have its own topic
  11. my hat goes off to you and others that do these sort of things ;)great job
  12. come one now young Mr Todd get some pictures up of your collection ,come over and lend my camera if you want ;D you need to post the yellow one i never got chance because you bought it ;D
  13. i like the challenger alot ,been thinking of doing one my self but a sprayer version
  14. just need some stickers then i will fix it in place (bonnet sat on chassis not fixed)
  15. you just looked as if you had a keen intrest in it all
  16. yes josh it was good to put faces to forum members ,i think we have a up and coming conversion specialist in you josh , ;)
  17. these are push a long but as you know they also do a man but only in remote control ,to buy a push along , if you shop around you might be able to get hold of one for around £65 ,
  18. hey i am sure we will meet up again some time that is for sure ,i was flat out at spalding and did not stop talking all day , but what a great show i hope it was worth your journey over ,
  19. yes your probably right ,but as you know johny from when you see my table at spalding , i am a siku freak and this conversion is just to show i do not just paint tractor blue ,white , red ,orange and black . :D
  20. cheers joe i found just what i was looking for , any way back to it ,
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