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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Just had a parcel arrived with my garden seeds for this year to find I have more than I ordered. I've used a new company this year who supply the market growers as the seed shoud be better quality and it is vastly cheaper than the garden suppliers. It now seems that I have enough sweetcorn seed to supply a whole village as they didn't have the small 500 seed packet I ordered they sent a 2500 seed packet free of charge at a cost of £12.60 to themselves......result! Sweetcorn seed anyone :ph34r::lol:

  2. You might be able to tender to your local council for footpath mowing, you would need a vehicle to move it about with though as quadbike attachments aren't designed to be hauled about on the road alot.

  3. Congratulations Ben and Julie :)

    As for what I've been up to today, I've spent all day in bed suffering from a raging temperature, aching body and nasty cough, it seems my workmate has shared his virus with me this week. Very unlike me to need to lay in bed all day, would be nice to just escape getting these viruses for one whole year but I guess thats the problem of having a weak chest and low immune system :(

  4. Wind turbines are getting very popular up this way too, particularly the off shore ones. There was talk of putting a wind farm up in this village which caused quite a stir but I personally have nothing against them. Having worked next to them in the past they aren't noisey and I don't think they are an eyesore. Just for fun I have recently told the village gossip that we will be errecting two as part of our potato store plans, that should get the NIMBY's fired up >:D;D ;D

  5. I think we could debate all night about the current economic climate r.e. jobs, and I could post some things about the NHS which have made me very sad in recent weeks, Especially when they effect close family, but I'll refrain and move to something more light hearted! My poor mazda 6 estate is poorly again. It seems to have a continued bad case of flatulence with regular plums of black smoke covering the car behind in the face. Poor thing! Won't be long before it's put down I'm sure!

    If its a diesel I'd get it looked at quickly as I know of a few people who've had cars do that to them only for the turbo to go bang not long afterwards. It could also be a faulty fuel pump solenoid, had a demo tractor do that to me, it just started belching out clouds of black smoke and was told that was the cause..

  6. what is your spraying tractor gav?

    John Deere 6420s Paul, lift arm cross shaft and bushes are knackered on it......typical John Deere, thats the fourth and final one we've had done in the past 3 years now, first was my old 6920s @ 4000hrs then the 6910 @ 6800hrs, the 6810 @ 9000hrs just before Christmas and now this one @ 3600hrs. Each time the bill has been between £2000 and £3000!!

    As for what annoyed me today, we lost a fourth calf last night during birth, this one drowned in its own fluid bag, boss missed it by 5 minutes. We've had to pull two more today from heifers. Seriously reconsidering the use of AI in future as we never had this much trouble using our own bull on the heifers >:(

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