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Everything posted by gogreengelb

  1. As promised SPN more pics
  2. Will do Ill take some tommorrow sunday and post tommorrow evening
  3. Thats right,they also adjust them when working in a field,in lows where the ground is wetter on higher sections it would be dryer.they claim it makes quite a big fuel saving on big fields.they fit a lot of big tractors with them here in germany
  4. My neighbour bought his grandson this to start practising his tractor driving skills,guess who else had to have a go on it yup myself.Great fun.Pity about the grey wheels,do they look like old fergie wheels
  5. This is the tractor I usually get to drive when helping out on my neighbours farm( in my spare time ) discing, rolling, carting,etc.It all great fun
  6. that question is to tecnical for me to answer sorry, but I guess it must of been one of the biggest mb trac they made
  7. When I took the last pic I was standind on the side of the road the bloody noise from it nearly knocked me backwards
  8. I know mate I,m just tagging it along waiting for some good photo,s to appear on the site
  9. Spotted this the other day but did,nt get any pics but he came back today.Its big and travels at 60 kph on the roads.
  10. Im lost good and proper now how can a John Deere be classed as ***** its a Tractor
  11. Thanks for the translation I think I get what he means,what He,s trying to say is that John Deeres are the best right but who Does he mean is *****
  12. Not being funny but do you speak English as I did not really understand that last post
  13. They are like spring tines just a bit of extra weight to hold the Johnnys back,
  14. Looks perfect dont know why your worried about bad comments that deserves 10/10
  15. He always manages to empty his slurry pits when I want to sit in the garden. Nevermind it smells better than a town dont you think
  16. I drove one of these once carting corn it was like riding on a kangaroo
  17. a photo taken in winter
  18. spotted in germany at a J D dealership
  19. Couple of pics from my library.what is the orange trac I cant remember
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