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Posts posted by rorsday

  1. Paulali,

    The best I can do is take a picture of them all together and mail it to Marky.


    Ref Worldwide Catalogues, from memory they start at 1970 and finish at 1980, starting off again in 2001/2002. I have 1980, plus a couple of half years for 1972 and 1974, I think, but don't hold me to that. I have a feeling that one year was split into 3 volumes. 1980 is superb, bound in a black-leather hard-back cover.



  2. MDFord

    Thanks for the comments. There will be a follow-up to the initial County 1184-40 story in a future issue, but as it's an ongoing project I don't know if we'll ever see it looking like new, new paint job and all. Time will tell I guess.

    Likewise, there will be more on Tony's JD 3350 in a future issue, but possibly not for a few months.


    R Day

    Classic Tractor

  3. Dear 10-4 (RC),

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Glad you liked the issue, but sorry you have had problems with poor binding. Drop me your full address at classictractor@btinternet.com and I'll send a replacement.

    As for the free model, well usually these are for people who send in their own Farm Favourite stories, but seeing as you were so obliging to David Winthrop, our man in the Carlisle area, I don't have a problem sending you one. Your MF 355 is certainly a very nice machine and I'm pleased we've finally got round to getting it in the magazine after your initial contact.

    'Cumbrian Classics' well, erm, what can I say other than it should perhaps have said 'Dumfriesshire Classics' (in the fleet). Oh dear. Still, at least there was some Cumbrian Classics in the Farm Favourites section and On the block.


    R Day

  4. Dear Big 10-4

    It's a nice idea, but, and don't take this the wrong way, I tend to keep personal stuff out of the magazine (even to the point of getting in trouble for not mentioning the birth of our son a few years back). I do use my brochures all the time either for reference or to illustrate various stories, but that's about as far as it goes.

    I'm always pleased to show someone what I've got, more brochures than models, although I do have about 250 Deeres in various scales, although that's nothing compared to what some of the collectors have over in the States.



  5. Dear BC

    You're absolutely right there. As much as I like collecting models myself, they have to be in moderation in Classic Tractor. I was recently reminded of this while scanning through a reader survey from 2002. The 'least-liked' subjects/topics were 'Models' and 'Overseas', which both recieved a very high 35% non-approval rating from the readers. That still means that 65% of the readers either liked or didn't mind these two subjects. It's hard to believe, but there are people out the who can't see the point of models and have no interest in them.

    With more competition in the marketplace, I think our focus has to be on finding the best stories and hottest news to fill 'Collectors Corner', which has tended to fill an extra half a page or so in recent months.



  6. Powerabbit is right...David Browns were exported all over the world and most countries (Sweden, Holland, Germany, USA, etc) have their own literature. The possibilities are endless.

    For example, I've just taken delivery, via the States and eBay, of three DB brochures on the first 'white' tractors produced for the Nth American NAEDA organisation. These were actually based on Implematic tractors and pre-dated the European launch of the Selectamatic range by around 6 months, I believe. I think from memory the brochures were printed in the UK, though.

    They came with some other more modern John Deere brochures for the Nth American market.

    To me, any tractor brochure of any age is interesting. My collection has no main theme, although MF (approx 3000 items) and Ford/New Holland (approx 2000 items) are the best-represented in terms of the total number of brochures, mainly because of their domination of the UK market and in the case of MF, the world market.

    I collect pretty much what comes along at a sensible price and rarely chase specific items unless it's to fill a gap in the collection. Likewise, modern literature interests me just as much as the really old stuff. Like Mr Ferguson, I have a particular interest in some of the overseas brochures produced by MF, Ford, etc


    R Day

  7. Dear Big-4

    Obviously, I'm duty bound to say that this post is a great idea...but actually, it is, because it gives me a great idea of what people like in the magazine.

    When we conducted a survey in the past, the 'Farm Favourites' section came out of it well, whereas models and European stuff didn't do so well....or at least 40% of the surveyed readers didn't really like these sections.

    So keep the comments coming.

    For the record, my personal favourites in the mag are:

    Collectors Corner

    Memory Lane

    Fleet profile





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