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Light Land

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Posts posted by Light Land

  1. A huge guy at work not checking his diesel before sodding off up the road for a days work then the boss says to swap tractors for a load so I can refull his tractor while I'm at the packhouse then bring it back for him after doing that I find he's bloody been driving my ride with 3 windows open and got dust all through the cab I'd only just cleaned,the windows were clean why could'nt he have just turned the air con on  :( :(

  2. So you get a pretty fine seedbed out of this soil then I take it? Does it bring any enrichment to the ground at the same time? I mean do you do this to the worst growing paddocks to give them a bit of a kick?

    Yes mate your right you do get a very fine seed bed having spread that on top.

    Like you said the soil often ends up going on the lighter parts of a paddock to even the soil type out,the bulbs get loads of fert so yes the ground has more punch.The bulbs are often feed a very strong mix of "nitrophoska" 3 times while they are in the ground at a rate of about 300kg/ha each time.

  3. Taking dirt from last years bulb harvest out to a paddock the day before this years harvest  ::)

    Once you have a few loads tipped out in the paddock you just give them a smooth out with the front end loader the paddock is then sown in grass to recover. :)

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