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Light Land

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Posts posted by Light Land

  1. Is it because of fuel injectors they used as thats what black smoke is uncomplete combustion in engine normal when throttle is pressed down not enough air gets to it for full combustion causing the smoke. So as fords do it alot the mixture in fuel in air in cylinder isnt right causeing the smoke (and high fuel consumption)

    I may be wrong though just blabbing on


  2. Good kit for a sheep farmer.I ran a sheep farm with 5000 old butchers  ewe's in the summer and about 1000 lambing ewe's in the winter for 2 years.I don't realy miss it now,it's was all out side work sod all tractor driving and the stress of making the sheep grow out well with no irragation was not worth the money. :)

  3. That looks a dandy piece of kit in picture 2 fp, whats the idea there??

    You load the trailer up with big square bales of silage/hay then once you are in the paddock you cut the strings off then just drive along and the trailer drops slice's of the bale out the back for your stock to eat.This is a comman way of feeding out bales on live stock farms here.

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