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Light Land

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Everything posted by Light Land

  1. Thank you Smithy, I took this picture over the fence from me today, thought you may like to see what some kiwi's are doing on the land this week.(drilling kale)
  2. Will you grade for other farms as well to help pay off the grader Alex?
  3. how do you get paid for the beet % sugar plus % DM for the pulp or do you get the pulp back?
  4. That's interesting. The Oakley dairy farms would surely miss the reject spuds in there TMR's if they end up in the AD plant?.
  5. If it were finished it would not be as fun I don't think. Do these AD plants like to eat one crop only say maize or will they eat anything with no change in there output for beter or worse?
  6. Some led lights over the grader would look neat Alex in low light, don't want any stones getting past.
  7. Were you tempted to get a straw rake on the front of your discs Alex?
  8. I'll pm you mate, save making your thread messy.
  9. NZ made Cambridge rings as in the picture exp for rolling after drilling or the likes of Vadderstad Crosskill rings.
  10. Always nice to have new kit in the yard . Cambridge roller rings not popular in your area Alex? I've not seen that type of heavy ring on a roller before here.
  11. Arh yes I've heard of them, good for 90 tonne/ha under irrgation in the UK?
  12. Are you growing "Russets" for McCain Alex?
  13. It's never my intention to come across as picking holes in your plans Alex. I enjoy your layout as I've said many times, as you know your worlds new to me and I'm keen find out what makes UK farming tick with it's subsidys and climate. I find that defending my actions on the real farm to my employer in regards to why I've not put fert on such and such a place or the likes hones ones skills as you need to rethink your actions, it's in the rethinking process often were new ideas come in and ultimately moves one towards being a beter grower. Iorn sharpens iron.
  14. I'm unfamiliar with AD Plants Alex. (I'm asking out of interest in the UK not to pick holes in your layout) how would you make money from it? If the 3 crop rule hadn't come in would you be doing it? What is the return on capital with a AD plant? With money behind you why not do it on your own? Do you get government money for having a AD plant?
  15. Nice cattle in the 2nd picture, they will be inside soon as winter starts? Do you make money out of cattle or do they just keep the rough areas tidy?
  16. Very well put. Nice update Alex, your ol boys will be glad there retiring this year after the nightshifts.
  17. We have alot of 750A John Deere disc drills working here are they a hit in your area?
  18. That drill looks nice,whats it like in the damper conditions ?
  19. All the best for your new job there Gavin.
  20. wow 10/10 that's some models you have, awesome details the fords are just missing a cloud of black smoke
  21. Thanks, Mine won't be a patch on his model, more a olly x claydon drill in yellow
  22. Begs the question if one is in a long term Calydon system of drilling with a 6mtr drill do you need to do a full CTF system when growing basic combinable arable crops. Now I'm abit beter on making models I intend to have a go at a Claydon drill over Christmas.
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