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Posts posted by Cropmaster

  1. The engine was rebuilt at an earlier stage, and runs beautifully - no smoke, and it starts as soon as you tip the starter! It was serviced recently, and the engine oil still hasn't turned black!  :) :)

  2. Look at it now!  ;D ;D In case anybody is wondering where the seat is, a new cover is currently being made for it! Apart from that, the tractor's restoration is finally complete! :D :D


  3. That goes without saying Nashmach! ;) Often people argue over which tractor is the best overall - i.e. taking into account the tractor's performance, durability etc. - but which tractor is the most attractive? A vintage Porsche tractor for example was not renowned for its power, but it is certainly a nice looking! The same can be said of the Cropmaster!;)

  4. Just look at a Cropmaster's curvy styling and the shape of that scuttle! The VAK1C is probably the most attractive tractor of all time, let alone the vintage era! :D :D ;) Although the Fordson Major is an attractive tractor, I would find it hard to put it ahead of the Ferguson TE20! :D;):)

  5. Was the Ford 6X (2000, 3000, 4000, 5000) range of tractors the most attractive of the classic era? What about the Massey Ferguson range launched in 1964 (135 etc.)?

    Was the David Brown Cropmaster the nicest looking tractor of the vintage era? The Ferguson TE20? The Fordson Major E1A? These are certainly a few of my favourites.

    What does everybody else think?

    Let the debate begin! :D :D ;)

  6. As well you know Nashmach, the issue was not with copyright, it was to do with the fact that you posted a picture on the forum that I told you not to put up.!

    As a hobby, I write a monthly vintage article for the Irish Farmers Journal newspaper.  ;):D

    Pictures of the my newly restored Cropmaster will be appearing on the forum very soon! :D

  7. Hi,

    Does anybody have a direct side view picture of a County 1164/74/84? We're restoring the 1174 at home and need to get new steps made for the cab...A picture showing their design would be very helpful! Thanks. ;) ;)

  8. "Dual Power is the only one of the top of my head I'm sure there's more". Indeed.  ;) It still doesn't compare to the Ferguson system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whether I've driven a FOrd with this marvellous 'dual power' is entirely irrelevant! Admit defeat Nashmach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D ;) ;) ;)

    "The Fordson F is te daddy of all tractors." What a load of old nonsense! ;) ;)

  9. Oh no, Ferguson didn't invent the diesel engine either, but the point is that they invented the Ferguson system themselves and used it on their own tractors. Fordson did not invent the diesel engine but used it in their tractors, and therefore you cannot list the diesel engine as one of Fordson's so-called 'inventions'! I am still waiting for you to come up with a Fordson invention to rival the Ferguson system. It cannot be done, admit it Nashmach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :);):D :D :D

  10. "One little thing" Nashmach? "One little thing"? The Ferguson system was the most important development in the history of tractors. Fordson F indeed!  :D The Ferguson TE20 is the most important tractor of all time! FACT not OPINION.  :D

    Sure, the Ferguson Brown Type A was the fist with the Ferguson system, but it was the TE20 that brought it to the masses. What did Ford or Fordson tractors ever come up with that could rival the importance of the inventions pioneered by MF (Ferguson system, multi-power, the list goes on...)? Blue paint?  :D :D :D

    :D :D ;):)

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