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Posts posted by Cropmaster

  1. I agree IHP. It's not very cool when you email a photograph to somebody, then they email it to someone else without your consent, and then it appears on a forum when you specifically asked the guy you emailed it to in the first instance not to post it up on the web. I was going to keep the images of the unrestored tractor, and ten post 'before and after' shots when the tractor is restored (very soon). Of course FB (who resized it) probably did not know that I had asked Nashmach not to post the picture on the web, and if so is not to blame! Anyway, it's hardly a big deal, it's just that I was surprised to see it on the forum when I told Nashmach not to put it up! I think a slight ticking off was in order!  ;)

  2. I just thought I'd better inform you Nashmach that photographs of my Cropmaster are protected by copyright law, and the posting of the aforementioned photographs on the internet is punishable by death!  ;)I imported this tractor from England guys. It is currently being restored. The wheels in the photograph were painted in red primer. The tractor has since been stripped down, and the entire tractor (apart from the tinwork) is now sprayed in gleaming hunting pink paint and is assembled. I hope to have the tinwork finished very soon. Wait until you see the photographs of the finished article!  :) :) ;)

  3. Hey guys,

    Is there a particular Ford tractor on which the County 1174 is based? I was just wondering if a manual for another Ford tractor would be of any use to me when restoring the 1174 at home. Thanks. ??? ??? ???;):)

  4. Hi,

    Do any of you guys have good pictures of DB Cropmasters, VAK1(A)'s or 25/30's spotted at vintage shows etc in England or elsewhere?  :-\They are very rare here in Ireland - I had to import mine from England! Thanks!;):D

  5. Well you wouldn't need to put a restriction on the type of implement for small working record challenges, as long as whatever implement being towed was actually in full working order, and at least appeared to  be making some impression on the ground!  :)For the large scale events, I think they should just scrap the whole working idea, and just focus on the most number of tractors driving in a field at the same time. Who knows, maybe more people would turn up if they no longer needed to source an implement for the event! Many collectors may not have an implement for every tractor in their collection, and therefore, with no implement restriction, they could take the whole collection along! ;)

  6. :)After driving a variety of different vintage tractors, I found that Fordson Majors are not as nice to drive as Fergusons, David Browns or Nuffields. Nuffields' gears are smooth changing and their transmissions are almost silent! Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the Fordson Major tractors. However, Majors look nicer than Nuffields with their blue and orange livery and attractive tinwork! The easily maneuverable Ferguson TE20 is probably the nicest vintage tractor to drive ;):D:)

  7. Hey guys,

    My favourite Fordson Major model would probably be the E1A, although I  prefer the scalloped rear wheels found on the later Power Major. I put a pair of these on my own E1A to have the best of both worlds! What about you guys? ;D ;D ;)

  8. This business of tractors dragging around rakes and bits of harrows, just because the rules say that all models must be working is ridiculous!  :DWhoever makes the rules should scrap the idea of tractors 'working' and just have a record for the most number of tractors being driven in a field at the same time.  It must be clear to the world record authorities that most of the tractors are certainly not 'working,' and are merely towing around bits of implements just because they have to abide by the rules!  :-\

    However, a record for the most number of Fordson Does working at the same time for instance is realistic, as this would be a record attempt on a much smaller scale, and therefore there would be enough space for each entry to plough a few furrows properly for example. On a larger scale however, the 'working' idea is a bit of a joke!!!!!!  ;D;) ;)

  9. There are both advantages and disadvantages of restoring small old tractors over newer larger models like 8210's. A Ferguson 20 or DB Cropmaster may be smaller than modern tractors with less surface area to strip down during restoration, but vintage models have been exposed to the elements for a longer period of time, and are generally more corroded than tractors of the 1970's or later. Also, once people upgraded from their Fordson Majors or Ferguson 20's to newer tractors, the vintage models were often neglected and rarely, if ever serviced! 8210's and other tractors of that era did not become quite as obsolete when replaced as Cropmasters and other vintage models, and therefore should still be in reasonable mechanical order at least D ;):)

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