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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. Why didn't you get a penalty??

    Because everyone knows Ronaldo dives!!! Therefore he will never get one and deservedly so!

    What, how can you say that? Just if hes fallen over a few times way to easily doesn't mean he's not aloud to have penaltys is it? Thats like saying if a rugby player has made a high tackle then he's not aloud a tackle  :-\ Don't be a silly sausage my friend  :)

  2. Thats a set of mowers without the mowers if you get me, and an auto swather on back  ;) ;)

    Don't know anything about the claas header sorry  :-[:-[

    The 5445 is low cause of the wheels and uneven ground i think  :-\ :-\

    Ahh right i get you mate, was a bit confused when i looked at it  :-[

    Looks a strange one, looks too small for a modern machine but too, erm modern for a clasic machine  :-\

    And im not a fan of it to be honest  :-[:-\

  3. Some chav trying to jump me asking for my ipod. I laughed at him and walked off.

    Ahaha, reminds me of last year an 8 year old with a pole and an 11 year old with a golf club came up to me and wanted my bike, i just put my headphones back in laughed in there face and pushed them out of the way to get through  :) My friend was walking home and another group tried to set his fair on fire so he gave him a punch in the face and legged it  :D

  4. does anyone no if same is a real tractors make

    becaues their is one at the place where i keep the hores 

    pics would help 

    chees mates

    Been keeping the what?  :o :o Naughty, naughty young man  :D;)

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