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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Yeah they are good, but at a price I think Schleich should definetly go into making 1/32 animals compatible with Siku and Britains but with the detail they have now \
  2. Yeah i think i may buy some Britains check them out ... but definetly need some of the Schleich trees like you said. Saw some in France but didn't have alot of bunce \ But i think i need some hedges around the back, it's a bit open. Thanks alot Barry, that was quite a day wasn't it It definetly is the pride and joy of the diorama but i think it looks good stocked up \ The look on our faces when it came out of the back of the car :D Thanks alot mate Thanks Marky, i tried getting some more pics earlier but the camera has run out of battery so i'll charge it in a minute and have a play around. Hmm i maybe could put some red on there Regretting not getting the Deutz into Massey conversion at Spalding to be honest
  3. Dancing around the room kissing all the family and laughing at Jose Mourinho's interview ... Were Man U the better team this season? That doesn't matter I hate him so much
  4. Cheers Scott, yeah there a bit hit and miss scale wise. Opppsss :-X Um ... yeah * shuffles away slowly * :D
  5. Thanks Tim it certainly is the main feature of the farm but i just can't seem to get the fields right ... i just got some more pictures for you but that is basically it Thanks Ben, they certainly are but i love the detail on them, there an absolute bum for space but they blow me away with the detail \ A normal cow won't fit in the Siku livestock trailer So ... but i like them
  6. Last one is our Deutz rape edition, it's hooked up to a low loader trailer with some spare fencing and the tractors are acting as a blockade to get the pig's to the paddock with minimal fuss. Any questions i'll be happy to answer
  7. The old farm also has some free range geese, which arent the friendliest of beats Outside the lads are just unloading our newest boar and a new sow. They've put up some temporary fencing to create a little passage safely to the paddock.
  8. Next is the bale shed next door, a bit packed in there at the moment but the farm is struggling for space and we need to keep the Big X away from the outside, also got the bale stack and assorted implements
  9. Hi guys, I've always had a mini diorama in my room on top of my bedroom dresser and since joining the forum i've been ever trying to increase detail and realism of it. And with the addition of Grahams shed i finally this afternoon did a mini diorama i wanted to show you. It's not perfect im afraid but with the room im working with and the limited space for models i thought it was OK even if it's a bit cramped. I'll shut up now but basically im aiming my farm at an old style English farm that has been modernised but still keep traditional with the pig's outside. I'll play around with it when the seasons change First up is feeding the cattle with the new diet feeder, the feeding gate is normally further out but to save danger from the cattle we've had to make room for the tractor.
  10. Well done MGU, what a bargain she is and for a very pleasant little farm yard, enjoy it
  11. On yer bike Will :D Nah good idea Or i could just send it to you and make you do it
  12. Thanks Bazza, In France i was in a little town in between Brive and Limoges about an hour from the Dordogne valley This is a French magazine ( not all models i'll have to say thats just in the back. It's alot like Classic tractor with loads of classics and a few modern day machines and all in French ... obviously). Im not quite sure about whether it's weekly or monthly but im assuming monthly because on the front it has avril-mai 2007 \ Sorry David, i have no idea whether they do overseas subscription. I can't really understand or see a page with a subscription form. I'll type it all into free translator
  13. Excellent pictures mate, really looks the business. Whereabouts are you mate? Thanks for sharing the pics getting me in the silage mood Nice reds aswell ( not often you here me say that )
  14. It's definetly what we haven't got enough of in my opinion \ I think it's definetly worth a try
  15. Here here definetly ... you really should your onto a winner there Maybe a few paint changes aswell I know spearhead have a similiar .. good luck if you decide to go down that road But what a model mate, absoluely stunning detail and really looks great
  16. Typical, this is all getting a bit silly. Especially with the pink Fendt Ruins the whole idea of special edition as they aren't they're just a paint change \ And would look lovely Marky with a big yellow stripe
  17. I would love to see Weise try the hippy version, where would you start
  18. Don't ask me, im not sure would a power harrow be able to mash that all up? And the date went absoluetely fine, met her Dad again ( bit nervy ) but all was great Thanks for asking mate
  19. Wow Texas .. grrooovvyy baby :D ;) Love the Case with the Krone and hippy look, not so sure about the Deeres \ Love the Massey in green, just so typical And the Fendts look good Don't give Siku or UH any ideas
  20. Took my lady friend out again today, saw 'alpha-dog' and she would not shut up about how 'fit' Justin Timberlake is when he has his shirt off > A rather pointless film And thats about it really
  21. Last one Siku's big advert with all of their new releases this year Any questions feel free to ask. Also got some real pictures from Sima to put up later from the magazine.
  22. Schuco new mini dioramas, look interesting but not my cup of tea really \ And Britains new releases again with the big crane being NZG
  23. Siku new releases in more depth and UH new releases with Schuco down the bottom
  24. Bruder new releases with the classics being Schuco and then the UH Valmet And the second page i couldn't understand i thought the combine was a conversion \ I think these are dealer models but don't quote me on that \
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