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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Erm yeah got her decaled today, sorry for the poor pictures \
  2. Extremely extremely good mate, looks really nice. One concern ( although i've never seen a real version ) at first glance it looked a bit big? I may be wrong but other than that mate a very tidy job you've done there
  3. Bit of an odd one down here again, bit yucky and wet for most of the day but reasonably warm \
  4. Last two, a view of the cab and something i quickly made up with some spare decals and paint Feel free to ask any questions
  5. She definetly needs some smaller back wheels, and my favourite shot. Cab still needs alot of work. If anyone has a brochure scanned or some pictures that would be great thanks
  6. Don't know whether to rust it or put dust on Think i may put a tiny amount of dust on \ Showing of my best work i think
  7. Hi guys, if you can remember i did a smashed up Dominator 98 a while back and with my kiddies model i had since i was 4 i turned it into a cabless 76, but not sure about numbers So here she is next to her 'used' sister. Still a hell of alot of work to do on both of them, some extremely dodgy paint jobs but i just had to show you and ask you for anything i could improve on.
  8. Just put my hand in the enamel paint and my girlfriend is coming over tomorrow > Half of my hand is actually red, last time half my hand was Claas green and the time before that i had to wire brush my arm until it bled to remove blue enamel paint. Im not having much luck
  9. Where i stayed in France he used to have around 50 free range geese, about 20 Turkeys and 30 chickens. But yeah there is definetly a satisfaction out of doing it, but i just need to clear the garden which is a challenge and a half
  10. It's a been a dream really to, Mum wouldn't let me have any pigs but after working down on a farm in Dorset that has free range everything i've really wanted to get more active with the garden and Chickens were the ideal solution And will do, just run out of Claas green so may be a while before i get it re-started
  11. I wish Mark, i really haven't got that much space to do anything just a small little area. But last year i grew runner beans and it was in the middle between having too much to eat but not enough to sell So had beans in every meal The new project well i have two, we have a smaller bottom garden which is full of rubbish. I took the shredder down there today to try and shift some stuff so i can try to keep some chickens so i can sell the eggs, but i tried it a while back and the whole bird flu thing put me off. But im going to re-try. And im making a little Claas Loadall
  12. Well after yesterdays hiding my head under a pillow at around 5:30 until around 7 i got up this morning and reliased it wasn't a nightmare. So popped down to the garden centre to get some supplys and started on my vegetable patch ( should of done it earlier i know ). Put in French beans, parsnips, chillies, peppers and tomatoes. I haven't really got a clue but they were just bits i could afford And then just mowing the grass really ... and started work on a new project
  13. Yeah we do, i really really like her and is most commonly in the naughty way :D Only joking ... but my mates girlfriend is so out of order to her > Marky: Pwtthhhhhh im the childish one on here And Scott, i love it now but this is just annoying otherwise im in love
  14. So was i ... i would slap my pwecious baby :D We've made a little pact .... which is probably going to be as succesful as Hitler ' I wont invade you Russia ' .... school life is sure complicated
  15. I so badly want to ... i really love my girlfriend but shes always upset about it :( It's really getting me down aswell \
  16. Thanks Sean, yeah they are quite small. Quite nice though i thought. Thats the life for me a dinky JD in the middle of no where on a hot summers day. It's just a shame i couldn't get down to the big dealership. They had plenty of Deeres everywhere
  17. My mates girlfriend is bullying my girlfriend ... and i really just layed into my mates girlfriend for about an hour and she dumped my mate ( :D :D ) But now hes blamed it on me And she'll still bully my girlfriend > FTF Problem page!! With Marky as the agony aunt please
  18. Around that i think Ben, pretty sure it was. Quite a heavy beast Nice pics by the way Jamie
  19. From memory she was a bit bigger than 1/32 Jamie? Do you know what scale she is... she looks a beast. How good is the hitch on the back or whatever, what can it pull/attach?
  20. Can't really say i tried Tim Normally i've found they normally jolt to start off with but this one was an old girl and she didn't really have much of a kick. My uncles practically takes off when you start her up... 'Wheelhorse' or something And thanks mate, it was a beautiful morning and i pondered out after breakfast in my sandals, so it felt awesome to have it soo close
  21. Oh .. looking at them i jumped up in the air wanting one, but there 1/50th? Im on edge, i so want a 1/32 telehandler from UH. Preferably a Claas scorpion
  22. I think it's a Joal Landini Legend Scott ... but don't quote me on that
  23. Graham stop being so modest, thats superb matey Really really good, i love it. And where did you get your bales from my friend? Or how did you make them ... they look cool
  24. Excellent yet again Graham, specially love thr troughs and little bits like that, look really really nice
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