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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. I notice that when taking my pictures, the guy with the Valtra the other day ( in my topic ) i asked him whether i could take photos and 1 day later i was in the cab with him, so it goes to show.
  2. Today went round the girlfriends house and met the parents Had tea round there which was possibly the food that i most spill Spaghetti Bolognese So the parents and messy food, but all was fine until Dad came to pick me up and knocked on the house across the road, everyone was looking out the window going whats he doing :D
  3. Thanks Mart it was indeed another amazing evening for it, felt really good would of been good for a perfect summer tune on that would of topped the evening perfectly Yeah he said if i put down my name and number he would see what he can do which is a good step, he said what line of work are you looking for and i just said anything basically preferably on the farm but anything And i got there when he reached the other end and it took him a good 15 to 20 mins to get back down, and the field isn't huge. But the de-stoner kept getting jammed because of the amount of flint \
  4. Nah mate i am kind of being turned Finish at the moment needed a break from green a bit fed up with the 6920's and 6820's i see every day. And i agree they seem to be a very very nice tractor to work away the hours in, i didn't feel uncomfortable alot of gadgets and widgets in there. The driver was happy with it and installed a PA system in there that they hook to their bale trailer in the farm shop when they do tours and stuff. Yup Valtras have definetly impressed me
  5. Hmm doesn't look bad to me. The Fastrac looks promising in my book, some OK detail put into. Would love to see how much it weighs but i think it's looking very nice and the Ford i think is something special from Britains this year
  6. Another view from the front window and another shot from of the other Valtra and thats my lot for tonight Any questions feel free
  7. The shot out of the background with the other Valtra working on the de clodder in the background And control panel
  8. Well as promised got my ride in Valtra with de-stoner, excellent experience for me loved every minute of it. Very dusty my school shirt is now actually brown but who cares. We did 6 rows in about 2 hours \ And the de-stoner faced a few problems on the way with the amount of flint none the less a great trip. Asked about a job, well asked if the farm employed any/many teenagers giving him subtle hints but he said that it would be very awkward for them even odd jobs so not this time but still got some tractor riding and a new farmer friend Would of been nice for a job but im happy A few pics for you i've got a video loading on youtube later
  9. Excellent pictures once again Mart Those John Deeres are something else, especially the 6920 with that 6 row planter ... kicks the ar$e of the dinky planter i posted up earlier :D Can i ask why the de-stoners are following each other? \
  10. Excellent pictures Mart Those 7920's look like beats with the customisation ;)
  11. Cheers Mart and she is a little beast i do have to admit i've changed my views on the blues and snubbed out the chance to see a 6920S to see her. Well i wouldn't know myself but the tatties are in the hopper and they drop down into two smaller compartments ( each side ). Then a wheel with arms to pick up individual seeds are picked up and dropped into the ground. The wheel that picks them up is powered by the outside wheel. And yeah i should think so they have a huge pond with loads of nature trails, a farm shop, the farm itself and the yard and everything, the marine centre etc. So im hoping he can find me something, but they do do tractor driving lessons up there in a brand new Valtra for 50 for an hour \ \ Might do one if i can't get a job helping out on the farm side.
  12. Thanks Ben, yeah i should really cut down the PC is currently dieing. I'll just pick a few of the best ones from now on ;)
  13. Saw the blue McCormick with loader again, John Deere 2850 hauling pallets and salad packing boxes on a flatbed, Massey 5445 in a field full of cattle ( didn't see the trailer ), John Deere 6820/6920 couldn't see the implement \,
  14. Thanks Graham i was meaning to today but i thought if i see him again he would be more familiar of me but yeah they should find a little something for an enthusiastic farmer
  15. Yeah would be nice to work there, be good experience.
  16. Yeah well he said come up tomorrow for a ride in the Valtra so i'll ask him then, what shall i say? But they have a farm behind the farm shop and it would be brilliant to work there \ But they probably wont need me but i shall ask
  17. Very very nice mate i really do love that, you've made an awesome job of it mate well done Can't wait to see a glazed version
  18. Finally last two any questions i'll try and answer. Thinking of asking him if he needs any help at the farmshop or on the farm .. maybe i don't know. I don't want to sound rude but i desperately want a farm job again Inside shot of the 4610
  19. One more inside shot and a shot of the loaded tatties
  20. And now the coolest bit he left the cab door open and said have a look around if you want, so i did Very very comfy machine inside
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