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Posts posted by dm434

  1. Back home after a week in krakow, great weekend with the lads, after getting a talking to from the girlfriend, going along the lines of when (not if) we get married I will not be setting foot out of my humble county that is fife, now in the pub, watching the west ham, Liverpool match, and drinking...... A diet coke

    sounds like she is wearing the ring n cracking the orders out already. no bloke is exempt   :

  2. Thanks Sean, really pleased with it, a really clean car and has been well looked after. 


    I have not seen many in red maybe 2 or 3 and they were the raging bull model. 


    Just ordered steel rims and mud terrains for it as well


    Not sure I would attempt flood water like that either not like the individual in norfolk

    yeah my brother in law who lives at arbroth has a red raging bull model . he was raging the other day as another driver skidded on ice into the front of his pick up. no one hurt tho, but with all the black ice about it probably was unavoidable

  3. ah ha David you wont go far wrong there great car one of Peugeot's best I sell them day in day out as I work in a Peugeot dealers great MPG 60+MPG on a combine route what model did you go for and what year. If theres anything you need to know let me know.

    cheers bob, its a 2008 model on a 57 plate. for all its just 90 bhp its got plenty of poke , a big improvement to the renault scenic it replaced

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  4. was helping out with traffic control at a rememberance parade today. one woman found it a big inconvienience that the road was temporary closed . no respect for those who had fought for her freedom . she was taking her young son for a golf lesson , i told her that being shot by the enemy was a bigger incovienience than missing a golf lesson !

    gotta go out gritting the roads after tea , frosty night ahead

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