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Posts posted by dm434

  1. ah ha David you wont go far wrong there great car one of Peugeot's best I sell them day in day out as I work in a Peugeot dealers great MPG 60+MPG on a combine route what model did you go for and what year. If theres anything you need to know let me know.

    cheers bob, its a 2008 model on a 57 plate. for all its just 90 bhp its got plenty of poke , a big improvement to the renault scenic it replaced

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  2. was helping out with traffic control at a rememberance parade today. one woman found it a big inconvienience that the road was temporary closed . no respect for those who had fought for her freedom . she was taking her young son for a golf lesson , i told her that being shot by the enemy was a bigger incovienience than missing a golf lesson !

    gotta go out gritting the roads after tea , frosty night ahead

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