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Posts posted by SMurF

  1. Its not as simple as AI

    Embryo transfer is a very specialised system for producing large amounts of high pedigree offspring from sometimes only a few cows/bulls

    A farm next door used to do it and my mate worked there. I went on numerous occasions to see him and he explained how it works

    First you get a top ranking cow, Then you have to harvest the eggs which go into the lab  there they are sepperated and fertilised with the semen from the desired bull (which can be from anywhere in the world).  The embryos are then cultured for a while in the lab.

    Then they are transfered to, in this farms case some Hereford cows which have been specially prepared for the procedure of transfer.

    Wait for a few days then pregnancy test the cow to see if it is in calf, then let nature take its course.  They allso scan the cows to see what the calf is .

    At the end you have full blown pedigree dairy cows/bulls which can be worth a small fortune.

    That is a simplified version of events

    The farm no longer does any of this anymore as they moved away

    It was a very expensive way of breeding cattle but the proffits could be emense.

    I hope this is what you were looking for

  2. For repairing a leaky copper pipe fitting

    Older sizal twine for making 1/32 straw (another trade secret released)

    For wrapping round plastic bolt threads to keep them tight

    for sucking through conduit to allow you to pull the wires through

    Just a few that i have used      But it has got to be one of the most versatile things on a farm ;)

  3. Well yes I'll be there taking the p!ss out of everyone and everything that moves with my hardworking buddy Stevie, Union Ringer Niels, his lovely stunninly beautiful lady (god knows what she sees in the smelly Dutch git) oh and her parents  ;)

    As per usual I will be eating and drinking everything in my path so beware and please dont feed me anything through my cage well other than JD ;):-*

    [glow=red,2,300]Better book a van I guess  :-[

    [/glow]is that for the take out haulage then

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