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Wild Oats in Barley?


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I've just been giving this some consideration after speaking about grass weeds in cerreal crops at college recently. On both farms I've worked on we only ever rogue the wild oats in our barley crops but I was wondering out of interest is it possible to spray for them - bearing in mind both oats and barley are grasses? Does anyone know if it possible and/or do it and how successful is it?

Cheers........ :) :)

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You can get rid of wild oat by natural means as it is an annual and this means the plant only grows for one year and will never return. It's when it goes to seed that's the problem, In grain crops that are grown in continuation on the same ground it will ripen at the same time as the crop and will drop seed slightly earlier than the other grain. To get rid of it naturally you have to rotate your grain crop by grassing out the next year and grazing or cutting before the oat sets seed and drops preventing the next generation of plants. It may take several rotations back to grass to completely eradicate it but you will eventually.

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we get it bad because the contractor does not clean out his seeder, it grows normal one year then just wild the years after that we will have a good few oats this year as we dryed a hole pile of oats for a customer and alot of it got into the barley  >:(

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Wild oats are taller than modern wheats, barleys and even sown oats. Identifying and spraying is easy because of this.

Best way to get rid is to rogue them out and burn them. You only need do a few a year and gradually over time you'll clean the farm up. With the back up of chemical applications it only becomes easier. Ploughing sets the fallen seeds to deep to germinate and grow but like Black Grass they only hibernate and will come back as soon as they can.

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One little fly in the ointment is that wild oat seeds can lay dormant in the ground for years after ploughing as thy don't seem to germinate when bueried too deep so when you plough the ground next time they come back to the surface and germinate.

A good old way of getting rid of the wee beesties is to fallow over winter if you can and then when the seedlings start to srout plough them back in.

There are a myriad of srays to get rid of wild oats in barley    Different types for different growth stages

I find that they are easy to kill off just as the seed head is rising up the stem and then give them a dose of whatever is best and the seed head grows out dead, therefore the combine cuts the straw off without spreading the seed :-\

Looks a bit messy but it works on both spring/winter germinating varieties

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Wild oats can be controlled in barley and wheat - it's easier and cheaper in wheat. Rogueing is OK for low populations, but if you are doing less than 2 acres/hr spraying is more cost effective. Rogueing large populations destroys a lot of crop and is never 100%.

To get on top of wild oats you need to kill more than 95% every year for about 10 years. The newer 'oaticides' are targeted at blackgrass but do an excellent (100%) job on WO if applied at the right time/weather conditions. Post emergence herbicides like IPU (banned now) are good at reducing the population to spray in spring.

Min till gets rid of the seeds in the top few inches eventually, but if you plough, the dormant ones from deep down will appear.

I took on some land 20 years ago and it had a big WO infestation, but is now easily rogueable after about 15 years of spraying, but there are always a few.  :(

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I'm no expert and simply keep the books but I know one of my customers has subscribed to Min Till for a number of years.  The result is that we have only had roguers in about 2 or 3 in 10 years.  It used to be every year but it worked out to be cheaper and more effective to rogue than spray.  I hasten to add this farm used to grow seed crops in the main which had to be clean.

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Wild oats are controlable with chemicals in barley we used to use a product called Tigress Ultra, but not had a lot to do with barley over the last 6 or so years. Another 1 was Panther. These have probably been super seeded by new products.

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axial wild oat herbicide &adigor wetting agent from syngenta have been the top product over here in ireland for the last 2 years with very good results and a wide time scale for use.

Indeed - use that ourselves on one plot of land.

Our tack is to rogue on most of our land but one field has a high infestation so we spray it and any that are missed or come later we rogue also ;)

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