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About nashmach

  • Birthday 01/09/1986

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  • Location
    Wexford, Republic of Ireland

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  1. Very early Armers were yellow until about the mid 70's.
  2. Local contractor is out today for the first job - neighbour is gone to draw anyway!!
  3. Great collection there Lee - would like to see some of the later ones too.
  4. It would not surpise me if you did Oliver - mine came from ebay for definite.
  5. Great update Fintan!
  6. It is a US brochure I do believe Ronald - pretty sure there is one in my collection too.
  7. Liking the Deutz there Mike!
  8. Spence contracts featured in a Classic Tractor some years ago didn't they - certainly a familar face in that last photo!
  9. Nice collection - liking the older Ford's in particular!
  10. Many thanks David for all the photos
  11. That is the one Stan - extremely rough - may I add!!!
  12. Really - have a look at the 4600! I'd second all that about the Fritzy's - could do with a 3600!
  13. No picture of this new 8080 yet Mart!
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