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My Model Builds - Past and Present.


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a gt 170 was heavily modified for myself a a front topper built, the gt170 got new webbing, a windrow kit, steering and levelling axle, pick off table, and lots more



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the 2 double chops are the same machine in lundell and mf colours, lundell made the 605 and made it for mf who sold it as the 762, the same machine was also made for jd who sold it as the 15AE



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yet more mengeles were made..... i have found myself just catching up on requested items that ive previously built, now that all thats out of the way im continuing to do small limited numbers of selected items and when there gone there gone...its much more interesting to keep moving forward



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Below is my list of builds for 2013..


NEW HOLLAND 37 DOUBLE CHOP  (built and all sold in January)

RITCHIE 56 BALE TRANSPORTER  1 STILL AVAILABLE   completion in 3weeks as there currently being built

GRIMME CW150 DESTONER   builds beginning within the next 2 weeks


The following are in no particular order of build











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thanks.. yes all the nh balers are gone.....the grimme cw 150 will be among my most challenging projects to date, the reekie destoner i built took 135 hours and im expecting the grimme to be similar, a visit will be arranged to the real one first for reference, ill be picturing every part of it and going through it with a fine tooth comb so as i armed with information prior to starting.....

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a lot of time has been spent so far getting things right.....i only like to make a few of such items and it would be my intention never to repeat such builds.....to keep moving on provides a challenge but also adds to my own collection



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Great to see your work again Brian, Loving the Howard Rotaspreader and the series of Mengele Choppers. Looking forward to this years models.


I can only begin to understand how hard scratch building must be, finding the documents and original examples is damn near a full time job.


Look forward to the updates.

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im at the stage now of making and fitting the rams, theres one long ram at the back and two small ones at the top to clamp the sides in and out, these were extremely slow and frustrating to work as all measurements must be 100% or else the model wont work like the real one, im hoping next week will complete the builds and be ready for painting, i think ill keep my own not painted to allow people to see the complicated work involved and in the case of the ritchie i think the build looks much more interesting with no paint on as people no longer have to ask how you made it..... the one big thing about these models are that they are a series of "grids", now all these grids must be absolutely 100% square and all measure the same because if theres one part thats not square it will throw the whole completed item off and it would be very noticable, i started these builds by drawing up 11 pages of scaled drawings and then i worked off the drawings, bit like building a house and working froma 1.1 scale plan.....its not often i use this approach but in this case it saved me working out every single bar as i went along, i simply cut and soldered my brass and kept checking it off my scaled drawings which i spent 2 evenings drawing up for myself



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although in reality they are a simple enough machine its when you start to replicate it in model form you really have the intense working out to do.....im sure you could understand why i wouldnt be interested in ever building another one when these are gone, some complications in life are better not revisited but instead look back and wonder how on earth you got through it....very dissapointingly a lad ordered one of these and although i have an upfront payment policy the payment never came and at the last minute didnt even have the respect to offer an explanation or apology, but you live and learn. it now will concrete my policy that all builds will not commence until payment has been received as ive found ive been juggling by taking funds from my day job to finance model materials which goes on and on, i prefer to be paid before the builds begin and that way the materials etc are paid for from the right source and it saves chasing payment on completion, fortunately ive never before had a would be customer so dishonest or unmanly to do such a thing, but the builds will continue regardless



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Some real skill and patients going it to these Brian. It's one item I've always wanted for my own collection, along with the sledge. It's a shame someone has mislead you with a purchase though and not been up front with you. His loss and another's gain though I'm sure.

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Some real skill and patients going it to these Brian. It's one item I've always wanted for my own collection, along with the sledge. It's a shame someone has mislead you with a purchase though and not been up front with you. His loss and another's gain though I'm sure.

Its very annoying. Only happened to me twice in 20 years,once for a small amount which if he had said I owe you a few pound, I would have told him to 

forget about it and in fairness to the second person he always mentions it when i meet him ,that he still owes me .(undecided if  he means it?). Hope the person who let you down Brian is on this forum and will be man enough to apologise.

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i have completed the ritchie bale handlers, all being well they will be painted at weekend...there were a few problems along the way but i had thought there would be



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