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how much does your contractor charge for round bailing?

big 10-4

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how much does your contractor charge for round bailing?and what area are you in?ours charges £1.90 bale but not chopped. :o :o :o

Thats actually cheap for any area be it 4'x4' or 5'x4', we charge more than that for 5' x 4' round baling

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one ocntractor around here charged us 0ver 7£ a bale to row bale and wrap and WE supplied the wrap

got a quote off my mate to bale and wrap for 4.50 a bale we supply the wrap, 3£ for less then 100bales of hayy or straw and 2.50 for under

hell be gettin the business

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Thats not a bad price, we're charging £2.20 a bale for 5' x 4' inc net and fuel, only for our neighbour so no doubt if we were travelling further it would be a fraction more

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