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sorry looking mf 6480


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I would go with the dip the clutch option,here in norfolk we have very few hills, ;D yet alone steep ones,but there is a bridge on the road to cantly beet factory with a steep 400m odd hill that many a lad has dipped the clutch on with a load on to see how fast they could go (not me, I owned the tractor I drove,funny buisness like that could cost money ::) ).

I bet he did the same,lost control, hit the split brake or let the cluch in a bit to sharp..bet he won't do it again!

Oh, and hold on...it is a massey, sompthing prob dropped off, or the brakes just gave up & he was just on for the ride! haha (Sorry MF lovers :P;D )

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Ouch, that massey looks a mess........  :-[:-[

And Ricky's story sounds bad too.....

Shame really that people don't realise that the gears, brakes and tyres are not designed to go that fast.

Lesson to all.... this could of been much worse  :of

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Guy driving a claas aries over here couple of years ago now, going down a long grade, (you can get some speed in a car with a long straight at the end to polish speed off, ) had the krone combi wrap on behind, diped the clutch, got 2 60 got the speed jitters, he toughed the breaks, snaped the 4wd shaft clean on the front axle, shaft hit the ground, dug in up lifted the back end, baler shunted it to the left, hit the ditch around 55khm, claas in 3 bits, that tractor has been rebuilt as the insurance company said its brand new...

that boy got his clucth diped by the boss, no contractor around these parts will hire him now

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