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Vintage Cavalade at Grampian Transport Museum Alford 25th July 2010


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The next vintage event I will be atending will be the Cavalcade at the Grampian Transport Museum on Sunday 25th July 2010 but not with tractor since they don't want us :of :of


The plan is Stuart and myself will take two of his Leyland lorries up with the Scania 143 on the Saturday evening and get them offloaded and in position for the 11 am start of the show.

Here are the two that will be on display

The Beaver


And the comet ex tanker

I hope I don't break off the gear lever like "I can't double cluth Bob" did ;D ;D



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On the way home yesterday afternoon I swung in past the yard but no one there apart from Kenny's car so he must have been away on a recovery. Anyway all I wanted to know.... had Ronnie loaded the vehilces as instructed for us for Saturday evening. Sure enough he had 8) 8)





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Well we did not get away from Drumoak to Alford until 7pm since well we had to take off one side of the strap and restrap since for some strange and odd reason Ronnie had the straps running through wheel centres and not cris cross over the tyres. I could not believe he had done it this way and neither could Stuart but then on the T cab the straps have a small cross over bit in them for wheels.


Look at this >:( >:(


This is how it should have been done


The other side was even worse


Anyway off we set and had to go the long route since you cannot get up Malcolm road in Peterculter coming from Drumoak in an artic. So the route is Banchory, Echt and then Dunecht and join the Alford road.

We got there and got them unloaded and parked up for the evening.

A couple of videos



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The show was poorer than expected mainly due to the fact that the organisers mad it pre 1955 cars and commercials and no tractors or motorcycles Erik. We had a shower of rain but all that really did was put everyone into the museum or the bus shed.

The plus point was the exhibitors hospitality tent where you could visit as many times as you wanted for tea or coffee and Costco cakes. In addition we were given a ticket for a hog roast sandwich which was absolutely beautiful.


I have just under 50 photos mainly of the museum and bus shed and I will post up later on today or this evening ;) ;)

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Some photos from the Grampain Transport Museum at Alford yesterday in the order they were taken.

An late 50's forklift that was originally gas and now petrol one of the museum officials told me as he found me having a nosey around the back before the show started ;) ;)


Now I can relate to the next time since I have driven one of these which were a battery operated milk buggy when I worked my Summer holidays with Kennerty Farm Dairies. Gosh that is going back 30 years now but the money was good ;) ;)

These two were Aberdeen registered and were used in one of the hospitals in Aberdeen.



Next up a 3 wheeled steam car which can develop 40 HP and reach nearly 80 MPH. I could well believe since Billy the blacksmith from Clatt was giving it a good hammering round the track as we were using part of the track to load up at the end of the show


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The engine of the 3 wheeler


Now a Scamell Explorer aboard a single axle King low loader pulled by an ERF



Now as exhibitors we got stickers for free entrance to the museum so we decided to go early before the crowds.


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A rare barn find a 1924 Durant tourer which the museum were donated and plan to restore

it...should they...I have my doubts :-



A Cruden Bay Tram car


An AA motorcycle man with motorcycle and side car 8)


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Back outside to a trio of older commercial vehicles. The second one is the Peterculter Amateur Dramatics Society Bus "The Bydand" now owned by Doctor Shelia Grant of Peterculter. This was originally a van owed by the Grocer's Ogg of Skene and the other week Alistair Ogg who is retiring shortly took me to the back shop and showed me photos of all the vans his father and grandfather had as shop keepers 8)




Now I do like Fairground organs so in order as they come up in Photobucket here we go again ;) ;)


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Now as part of the show the commentator did a spiel on the 1934 Sentinel wagon known as "The Aberdeen Docker" which was a two way tipper and was used to build the Aberdeen harbour breakwater. It was bought by Gary Scott of Elgin a few years ago in this restored condition. His too sons Colin and Philip drove it from Pluscarden to Alford on the Saturday some 60 odd miles. Took around 3 hours over the Cabrach and burnt a ton of coal. They were still at Alford when we were finished loading up so they must have been late when they finally got home.

Now at Alford there is a race track in an 8 shape. The organisers decided to do speed trails and first up was the 1934 Sentinel steam wagon against Stuarts 1934 7,500cc petrol van. Now it wasn't a side by side race but a standing start at opposite corners of the circuit and going in opposite ways.

Well Stuart made a second gear start and a rather quick and crunchie change up into third and won by quite a bit...having said that the lorry isn't very fast and I suspect if done on the open road over a longer stretch the Sentinel may have thrashed him ;) ;)

All a bit of fun but Stuart was delighted since Gary Scott is his cousin.



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