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fendt 820 to fendt 718

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my latest convo, a fendt 820 into a fendt 718,the 820 is uh,718 siku,where i work the only fendt on wide tyres is a 718,so following/copying fendtheads convo,wheels and tyres took off from the 718 and put on to the uh 820,dont know wether to take off the siku 718 bonnet and replace the 820 bonnet,or just get a pair of 718 decals and put over the 820 decals,would save having to swap the bonnets,also using the siku fendt front mudguards,as the uh are to skinny know,i will be pm'ing fendthead for info on that,here are some pictures





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the front track is correct,cant seem to get a good photo to show it,a 718 is almost identical in size,length and wheelbase are identical,the height is the only difference with the 818 being 3cms taller,so i just have to sort out the mudguards,and bonnet,or make my mind up just to do a decal replacement

cheers paul

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Best photo I could find of the back end, but as you can see the rear wheels are close to the cab as can be before things look wrong, once you have the back width right the front has no chose but to follow, if you see what i mean ???::)

got you dave,and thanks for all the advice and info


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big thanks to dave (fendthead) all finished bar the 718 decals and add a driver,i always sing henri walkers praises,emailed him this morning,decals allready in the post!!!!!!!!this convo was not as easy as i thought it would be,again with help from fendthead,you have to heavily modify the inside of the siku front wheels to get the track width right,also dave (fendthead) said ,to get the siku 718 bonnet on is a lot of work so hence me cheating and getting a 718 decal ,a few more pictures,its temporally on the bowser at the moment




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How i wont that model :P;D

somebody pm'd me yesterday about building one for them,but have a go mate yourself,there are lots of people on here willing to help,fendthead helped me with this build as he had done 1 himself,,i will help if you like,go on,you know you want to,and thanks for the comment
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Track width looks spot on Paul,nice conversion you have done. :)

Not criticising,but do the rear tyres still turn as they look quite close to the mudguards

thats not criticising jamie,you are right they are very very tight,fendthead suggested raising the cab,but as i use my models on dioramas,im not bothered if the wheels turn or not,track width was a b++ch to do,the rest easy,and thanks for the comment jamie
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