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Dirty IH 956XL

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I like it.  Not gone overboard - good job  ;D

couple of tips though - most of your dirt appears to be on the rubebr tread bits, instead of inbetween where its more likely to be becasue it would stick there, a bit like this (even though its a bit extreme) http://stockpodium.assetsdelivery.com/thumbnails/sima/sima0806/sima080600045.jpg

also i wouldn't bother putting muck on the exhaust because on the real thing (if it is above the bonnet like this one) it is rare that dirt will be flying up that height especially so far forward

but theyre just little pointers, as i say i still think its a very good job you've done there  - keep it up!  ;)

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I like it.  Not gone overboard - good job  ;D

couple of tips though - most of your dirt appears to be on the rubebr tread bits, instead of inbetween where its more likely to be becasue it would stick there, a bit like this (even though its a bit extreme) http://stockpodium.assetsdelivery.com/thumbnails/sima/sima0806/sima080600045.jpg

also i wouldn't bother putting muck on the exhaust because on the real thing (if it is above the bonnet like this one) it is rare that dirt will be flying up that height especially so far forward

but they re just little pointers, as i say i still think its a very good job you've done there  - keep it up!  ;)

Thanks for the pointers. I try ed to put the 'dirt' in between the rubber tread but as it dried it seamed to rum off. I will try a thicker mixture next time. ;)

I try ed to weather the exhaust as it wouldn't be white if the tractor is a few years old. I have found some pictures of IH956's some have black enamel exhaust which have dulled due to the heat of the engine and others seam to have badly rusted exhaust which would be right?

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We use to have a few through the workshop at work when I frist started but now only work on one Case IH 956XL and she's rough :'(

We did have this IH 1056XL part exchanged last year very tidy, if I had the money I would of brought her! :D


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