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pink jd happy birthday girls

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the story goes a little like this ,her boyfriend Neil (works for bridgegate tyres up here) has a massive collection and i mean a massive collection of 1/32 tractors ,and its not that she does not approve of his hobby / addiction i think is more the fact she has not got one of her own ,so in my wisdom i decided to do a tractor in a girls favorite colour pink and give it to her for her 30th birthday ,she was over the moon and it was the highlight present of the party ,because all who attended know what a collection Neil has ,,,,,so just maybe she might not give him a hard time now when he wants the next new model tractor that comes out ,,,,she did actually say he was not getting his hands on it ,,,, besides i think it is a much better present than just sticking a £10 in a card and saying happy birthday  ;) ;)

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i think i will need more than just painting a few tractors pink to be a hit with the ladies  :( ,like may be losing 4 stone ,going to the gym ,face lift ,tummy tuck ,,,i could give my self a colour change  ;D (spray tan)  ,,,,,,,,yes that should a bout do it ,,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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