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Oakley Estate Farms

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The chopper is mine pat we are silaging for the AD plant so as the fields are close to oakleys farm makes sense for me to park forager and rake there

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Apart from the green fever before it gets going a couple of days on the trot is enough for me on a silage trailer. Driving the rake is the best job, much more relaxing

I couldn't agree more unless you are Orchard Farms rake driver being chased around the field by a Krone 1100, can't imagine thats relaxing!
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After the bank holiday weekend we are back today sorting out irrigation, after a discussion and map reading we came up with a plan and Mark and Dan will spend this week and the majority of next laying a network of pipes for the reels. We now run one 6830 on row crops and the other has now been changed back to 650's. We also started T2's today and will knock a big whole in that this week. The end of the week is looking like we will get contractors in to cut the last of the first cut for AD on long hauls. post-2769-0-22112700-1432669099_thumb.jp post-2769-0-62706000-1432669182_thumb.jp

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The blessid irrigation season looms hey Alex. You were saying at the start of the topic you suck water from a lake, is it a free hit there with no water quota or regulations around water use? 

What sort of flow are you pumping?

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Quiet day at the office with T2's progressing well, work has started adding extra storage capacity to store 1 in time for harvest. James also headed over to Martock to collect 2 silage trailers reading for chopping 64 acres at Speaks, Osbornes and Houses for AD which Manor are mowing today. post-2769-0-01495800-1432764304_thumb.jp post-2769-0-23792800-1432764401_thumb.jp

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All systems go!!

10pm and iv detected a change in the weather, a quick call to Julian and a split second decision to pick up the grass tonight has been made. X8 trailers on tonight and X2 foragers, even I'm on in the Unimog so things must be urgent! post-2769-0-17362500-1432764799_thumb.jp post-2769-0-51630000-1432764890_thumb.jp post-2769-0-74263100-1432764973_thumb.jp

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Irritation as we call it! Although it is our own man made lake for the purposes of irrigation we do have 2 abstraction licences to protect the surrounding environment which cover up to >2000 cubic metres a day.

Lucky to use lake water,bit warmer than well water and cheaper to pump. :)

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Helping to keep efficiency and the spraying running at max output applying T2 on the wheat at Hurcott today im on unimog and bowser premixing loads and ferrying out to the fields with my helper Jess :)post-2769-0-30982900-1433015798_thumb.jp

Tomorrow im off driving Manor Farms Jaguar for a few days along with Webby and Dan on trailers to help out, may take a while to get my eye in, smaller than a Lexion though ;)

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Quite windy here today so no spraying until 4.30pm when it finally died down, 400 acres at Hurcott to spray tonight during this break as more wind forcast for mon & tues, got to keep the sprayers wheels turning as much as possible at the mo with the rest of the T2 to do as well as post emergence herbicide on the maize and the first blight spray on spuds imminent, plenty to do. Have spent a lot of time in the office today going through work plans for the autumn and its very scary the amount to get through, this is the result of widening rotations, expanding cover crops etc, however its sure to benefit us and i really do enjoy the challenge of making this work like it should in real life, not one to be defeated me! i have been adjusting next years cropping too slashing rape areas by 11%, spring beans are down 40% and maize is up by double to meet AD feedstock contracts for S.A.P. I am currently planning work to happen in Sept with tomorrows job, Mark and Chris off to haul out Chicken Litter from Paul Vaughan Frances chicken unit in Henlade, Taunton to haul up and stockpile to James Broughton's ground in North Petherton ready for spreading when the rape is off. post-2769-0-85892600-1433105746_thumb.jp

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25,000t Pat, total site capacity now close to 55,000t. Developed to cater for enough space for ourselves, our customers, Frontier South West clients, and the three crop rule. Its efficient, carbon neutral and future proof. I hope it revolutionises our storage here in the South West.

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Pretty quiet down on the estate at the mo. Post emergance going on the maize which is nearly done, next up a spray for chocolate spot on the beans before returning to the wheat for T3. The sprayer just hasn't stopped this year. In between irrigation Mark and Dan are going through the potato harvester, fair bit to do on it this year including all new bearing on the double multi-sep. Also got Lexion 1 in the workshop for some pre harvest tlc whilst i fitted the new side cutters which have finally turned up to the new Lexion 2. post-2769-0-64009600-1433838760_thumb.jp post-2769-0-08972100-1433838922_thumb.jp post-2769-0-35605500-1433839125_thumb.jp

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Well another week done, Wednesday saw a team outing to Cereals which again was a great show. Mark has been working on the spud harvester between irrigation. Chris is going through his Lexion with a fine toothcombe ahead of harvest. Dan and Webby have been on hauling compost to field locations as well as Chicken Litter coming out of Egwood site back down to Horlicks for after harvest, this completes all the chicken dung we need but we still have quite a big tonnage of Compost to bring back from Dimmer. Slew has been loaded ready to heap up the compsost so it doesn't flatten too much wheat. Engineers have also been in busy wiring and testing the new CS90 grain spear, dryer and associated elevators and conveyors. In other news we have just been grated planning permission to build a field classroom for educating Somerset children where their food comes from thanks to the Sainsburys Farm to Fork initiative. Finally we passed our annual audits for Natures Choice, NSF, Red Tractor and LEAF Marque accreditation so its now count down to harvest. Harvest student Tom Cole is arriving on Monday and we have an open evening/skittles night on friday for the grand opening on the new storage facilities, all customers are invited. post-2769-0-70624000-1434207836_thumb.jp post-2769-0-73852300-1434208048_thumb.jp post-2769-0-60528500-1434208174_thumb.jp post-2769-0-92035700-1434208230_thumb.jp post-2769-0-51809700-1434208297_thumb.jp post-2769-0-59338600-1434208340_thumb.jp post-2769-0-63899400-1434208354_thumb.jp

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Very impressive sampling spear and weigh bridge Alex.

Do you swap tractors at a given age/hours or are you more flexible?

We swap our tractors at 5000hrs/5 years although the 6210r's have been more flexible. Tractors are due to be changed and will start this month Pat

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