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The Trailer Topic


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Just thought I would start this to post up your photos of trailers, maybe to act as a resource for anyone fancying a go building one.

Here's our new bale trailer, a James Barraclough engineering flat built near where David (walterderwent) lives. Very well built trailer.post-2056-0-49378400-1341174435_thumb.jp


And a home built bale trailer thats now been modified to sort this problem out :P


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Come on folks get posting up some pictures!

Some of mine;

Newest Triffit of ours, a 12ton rootcrop. Can anyone guess the age? (need a better picture really)


Second oldest Triffit, 11 ton standard with a sprung drawbar


And now our little weeks, hopfeully will get restored along with the hydro84 one day


Next up is a big frasier seen at a sale


Finally a MCM trailer, built with a lot of steel, but the welding isn't the best


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