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Chain Bridge Honey Farm - Bee "farming" and vintage collection October 2012


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Havent seem one of these in a long while





Well that's it from me from the Chain Bridge Honey Farm....and there are actually more working implement outside which are used at the twice yearly working day events Stephen holds.

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...and John and Maureen are only 7 miles from Ladykirk where a friend and long time colleague lives! I could even get a train to Berwick...

...I can feel a trip coming on... 8)

I managed to visit Beamish as well on my trip Sue. I spent a day and a half there before heading North. Maybe you need to stop there as well if you haven't been. I'll start a post on this one later once I go back to my shield refurbishment and french polishing.

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Interesting place it is Richard and has many additions to the vintage collection since I was last there and that at least six years or more ago. I spent from 10am opening until lunchtime but I could have easily spent more time in the shop and learnt more about bees if I wanted to but I'm more in tractors...plus they don't sting...only kick at the handle if not correctly timed or the crank handle slips out of the starter dog at the wrong time ;D ;D

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hadnt realised they had so much stuff at the honey farm. ive worked on the roads , tar spraying around that area n missed out. yeah Beamish is great too . it usually takes 2 visits for us to get a proper look around

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Well worth a day trip to the Chain Bridge Honey Farm David. As for Beamish I was a day and a half but I could have spent a week there to be honest...the weather was fine and the crack with the workers and volunteers was great. And what value for money...you pay £ 17.50 for an adult and that allows you entry to the museum for a year....well that's 365 day less Xmas and New Years day so where can you spend a penny for a day...well rounded up to 5 pence per day this day and age :huh: :huh:

Let me say I have around 300 photos from there so I'll start a topic on it ;D ;D

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Great shots Bill. I cycled to Chain Bridge from here with my mate in June - it's about 14 miles from here. They had a nice old Routemaster there earlier this year.

I finally got to Beamish a week ago today - we spent a whole day there. Superb place, but definitely need to make use of the whole year to see everything.

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