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still lack of silage


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was on the phone to my dad yesterday, an he was telling me one of the farms he lifts the dead stock off isnt duin too great, he has over 2000 dairy cows over two farms with zero graizing, he has ran out of silage, he managed to buy a full silage pit worth of silage from a farm up scotland, but it has cost him 60k to get artic tippers to haul it home for him

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The hay and straw dealer in Wales where I take hay has been exporting tautliner after tautliner of the stuff in any size bale he can get, to Ireland. The farm is also buying in grass silage to feed the store cattle and baked silage for the sucklers, yet they made 140acrea of pit silage and over 400 square silage and haulage bales! Also a customer of my other boss has got 2000 hay bales for us yo make to fulfill his order for Ireland.

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it been serious this year tris, there was a farmer from ireland came across in the boat to scotland with to silage trailers behind a new holland to get silage about a month ago aswell

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