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Estates tractors and things in yard (dealer)


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Its a fertiliser applicator first time i've seem one like it

And funny you mention that mjb as i'm thinking about changinig my college course now to agricultural enginering or stay on longer after farm mech course :D

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Its a fertiliser applicator first time i've seem one like it

And funny you mention that mjb as i'm thinking about changinig my college course now to agricultural enginering or stay on longer after farm mech course :D

really ,they're quite common round here i've used an old tive for grass seed , as there isn't the amount of waste like you'd get with overlapping from a disc spreader :)

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All discs round a bloke in workshop (my boss andy) has been building new spreaders for weeks now 1 every 2 days roughly so there's been a few orders, everyone uses discs here not many people use liquid fertiliser either.

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Some good photos and nice buildings in the background.

The pneumatic spreaders are very good but they are just sods to clean properly. I think with wide tramlines (21m +) the booms get a bit heavy too.  :)

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Nice photo's Phil, I was just about to say maybe you should have a look at the BTEC Nat Dip in Ag Eng after reading your work experience diary. The courses are close but I think with your interest in the workshop you would be wasted doing Enviromental Science and Animal Husbandry on the Farm Mech course and you'd miss out on Hydraulic Systems and Clutch Packs type of lectures the Ag Eng offers.

Those photo'd came off a mobile phone?!! Bloody hell you must have a nice phone!!

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Thanks deere-est and i think your right i'm getting a real buzz from it but i also get a real buzz from driving them etc so its starting to beome a real hard descision i'm thinking either switching courses or doing the farm mech course and then doing a degree in enginerring or something like that just because i really enjoy both and keep my windows open for later in life as be happy doing either.

I found out today that the MF 6180 is a 95 model and has had 2 gearboxes in it since then both i think with in first 2 years fine now and has only clocked 3500 to date.

Lastly my mobile is a samsung D500 1.3mp camera

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ya word on the street is they werent the most reliable ladies at all which is a pity as they look great, a fela near me had a 6170 but it was plagued with problems too mostly electrical i think and his was bought new, got rid of it half way through the silage season and replaced it with a cs 130, that was the start of things to come, for a guy who had 14 masseys about 6 years ago or so theres not one around there now

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They had serious problems this one did has had quite a few bits replaced but wont let her go as she's a nice machine. Sad about MF loosing alot of buisness as they were nice machines really especially the late ones

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yep but they seem to be coming back into it again by the looks of things, the other masseys he dah were all from the 3600 series, which werent as bad but saying that they did give a fair bit of trouble all the same, i remember when i used be younger i used hang around his yard and most days thered be at least two marked up broken down

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Your idea sounds like a go-er Phil. You could do the Btec ND in Farm Mech, the do the HND (Higher National Diploma) in Ag Engineering. You'd have two very highly regarded qualifications then by farmers and dealers alike.

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Thanks deere-est and i think your right i'm getting a real buzz from it but i also get a real buzz from driving them etc so its starting to beome a real hard descision i'm thinking either switching courses or doing the farm mech course and then doing a degree in enginerring or something like that just because i really enjoy both and keep my windows open for later in life as be happy doing either.

Your idea sounds like a go-er Phil. You could do the Btec ND in Farm Mech, the do the HND (Higher National Diploma) in Ag Engineering. You'd have two very highly regarded qualifications then by farmers and dealers alike.

thats where the smart money is  ;)

machines will always break down to need fixing  ;)

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