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Deveron Valley Vintage Ploughing Association Match Sunday 20/10/2013


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The DVVPA will be holding their annual ploughing match at Easter Jackston Farm Longmanhill by kind permission of A Morrison.


Post code I think is AB45 3RS I think near Banff and Macduff.


I will be attending as a spectator to take some photos and see if I can learn a bit more about ploughing with a trailing plough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only managed to get to the event for Noonand spend a couple of hours at it but at least I saw some of the middle bits and the finishes. I was met at the gate by Jim McPherson from Fisherie near Turriff the organiser who manged to relieve of of £1 entry and a fiver for the raffle but well I certainly want to see these matches being kept going and will support all such good causes. Jim had been at the field at 5am this morning just to see if the event could go ahead after Friday and Saturdays rain...but it was fine land with few stones and most competitors said the ground was in excellent condition. There were 4 classes as follows with 27 competitors in total


Class 1 - Trailing

Class 2 - Vintage mounted ( Past winners at the event I assume)

Class 3 - Vintage mounted ( Good ploughers but could do better at this event I assume)

Class 4 - Single furrow


Photobucket is playing up again so photos to follow later or tomorrow

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Disappointing to see only 3 in the trailing class but hey ho they alll will get a placing ;D  ;D


Gordon Hepburn




Ian Chalmers was saying after the rain conditions were great and not a stone in sight.






Davie Milton was plough with the plough he broke and bent last Saturday have replaced a leg on his plough. Despite that as I was speaking to Gordon MacDonald he said his finish was like a dogs breakfast and Gordon had to agree it was not one of his best ones. So it just shows even top ploughers like Davie can get things wrong as well.



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On to the 2 furrow lift




Harvey Sutherland out with a IH 414 instead of his normal Fordson Major and being supervised by his other half who religiously attends all ploughing matches with Harvey.




This chap broke off a plough wheel so he had to work on draft.




Bob Milne had a 2 hour drive to get from Pittmeden with IH and plough. He was trying a different plough but at fist it was pairing but he got it better set. He now doesn't know which of his two plough to take to compete with at Wick next Saturday...choice choices...I said toss a coin ;D  ;D






Ross MacDonald was flying solo without grandfather Bill Soutar being there but he was making a tidy job as per normal,,,but then again he has been ploughing competitely since a teenager.



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Bob Milne making his finish...shame it went bendy at the end.






I did not stay for the results but I will no doubt hear who won what and what i did not win in the raffle ;D  ;D

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