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40th Scottish Extravaganza 12 / 13 July 2014 Glamis Castle


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I have just filled in my enry for the 40th Scottish Extravaganza held in the lovely grounds of Glamis Castle. I will be taking my 1951 Farmall Cub. In addition I will be taking my 1930's Shanks of Arbroath "Firefly" lawnmower which is in original condition. I was speaking to the vice chairman Bill Orr at the Edzell vintage sale last year and he said given it was the 4oth show they thought they would put on a display of Shanks engines which were made in nearby Arbroath. Assuming he still wants it it will be a good excuse for me to get it started and give it a bit of clean up. 











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Yesterday I pulled out my old Shanks Firefly lawnmower and gave the points in the magneto a rub with emery board (for nails) and cleaned the spark plug. I check for spark and there was a cracking blue spark so I thought fine I'll leave until today before I try starting. I checked the drip feed oil and topped that up and added some petrol to the fuel tank. There was a leak at the push pull on off but I suspect the cork washer is just dried up. In addition there was a leak at a join to the copper petrol pipe leading to the carburettor. Anyway I can't recall having this mower running at Drumoak before and I moved here 27 years ago so the moment of truth....choke on, flood the carburettor and a little throttle and after a few cranks she burst into life so I was well pleased. The 56lb weight was a precaution just in case the clutch was slipping on a rather shiny / polished cement floor ;D  ;D


Now all I need to do is solder a piece of cover pipe to hopefully stop the leak and give the old girl a clean up. This mower is so so original I have no intentions of restoring it since I think it looks better in here working clothes.


The weather is not looking very good for the Sunday afternoon at Glamis but the BBC may have got it wrong, This is a show I have attended as a exhibitor from 1985 (and spectator before that) and I think I have only missed the show twice in that time...one when it was cancelled due to Foot and Month and a few years ago when it was a total wash out. I plan to be there for the 40th Anniversary show come hell or high water ;D  ;D




Oh the old girl ticking over at low revs 8)


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I only go on the main day which is the Sunday James but I hope the weather for that day is better than the BBC are forecasting.


Yesterday I gave the lawnmower a spray / soak with WD 40 to brighten her up a bit. 






I tend to keep the tractor a bit back from the headboard to ensure best balance and weight ratio on the trailer but there is not going to be enough space for the lawnmower so I will have to knock together a larger frame work.





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After all the rain they had later on on Saturday and the forecast for Sunday I decided not to load up. I just went down by car early yesterday and had a look around from 7am to 12.30 and then back up the road. I must say it is just not such a good show as it was 20 odd years ago with lessor and lessor older P/P tractors attending. In addition the traders attending are nothing special and I suppose that is just a sign of changing times since it is cheaper and easier for them to stay at home and sell via the internet.

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Photos from yesterday.


No prizes on the day for Gordon Marr from Cuminestown.




Gary Wink from Huntly won the Best Massey Ferguson with his 1971 MF 165 MP






this 1963 DB880 implematic wond 2md in "Best Overall Tractor" class.







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Good looking restoration but shame about the shade of grey used and the Bamford seat.




Ex George Mutch Farmall H now owned by Derek Duncan from Edzell was 3rd in the "Best Overall" Class.











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