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Rabe 5f Plough and Press


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Aswell as hanging my day out untill 5:30am for Terra-Gator pics just for you 'orrible lot I also saw these on the way home and thought I'd grab a few pics aswell.

Just up the road from me, they belong to a farmer who I used to pump slurry fro with my 7840SL with him on the other end of the reel spreading with a Same 130 something or other. I think he now has an MX120 - not sure for certain though.

Here's his plough.

:) :)

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I don't think so but thinking about it once you lift the plough up how does that arm the return to 90deg position to catch it again at the other end. ... Maybe there was. . .. Bugger.. . ..

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in pics 5 & 7 ben you will see a a piece of metal box angled over the span of the press wheels , this is atatched to the press arms , when the plough catches the press arm it will follow on behind the plough as it pulls onto the width you're ploughing, the force of being pulled will swing the other arm 90degs ready for the return trip.

when ploughins steepish land leave the press on the brow of the hill as the press has a tendency to run freely off into the hedge or ditch when turning  :D :D :D

you can also press headlands but it's not the easyest thing to do ,so most people don't bother .. always carry a good chain  ;)

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cheers Marcus, did wonder why i couldnt see some form of chain or something. Are all presses the same??, i have seen chains used before...i think, will have to wait until autumn now to find out!

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the arms are on a pivot to the frame

on the pivot there is another hole

this hole is for the box metal span to be pined into for work & unpined for transport

once pined ,you can pull one arm out straight & the other will move to the 90 deg position & vice versa

when not in use the metal span is un pined & the arms are then retracted & fixed to the main frame for transport

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