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Southwick Steam Rally, Wiltshire.


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Here are todays's photo's from the above. Went over with a friend for the afternoon and saw plenty of bits and bobs on static and moving diplay. Regrettably the Scammel Explorers and big old Leyland military trucks were parked up, there was a rough terrain course for them to use but they wern't going this afternoon. Here are the tractors anyway.

Starting with a Track Marshall.

:) :)

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My mate Bungle on his Case 900, arrived from Canada on Friday having been saved by a classic tractor importer who was on a buying trip. He pulled into a dealers yard out there just as a worker was lighting the oxy-actylene torch to cut her up for scrap.


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David Brown 1200, a little diffeerent as it has wider rear axle for larger wheel configuration and a 12 speed box. Not many like this arround, it is a factory build by the way. Looks like a puller though. It was round baling the field we are in on Wednesday with a Krone round baler!!

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