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Looks a good set up to me, my boss won't even try a John Deere combune on demo for some reason. Bet that rape extension is handy as its a bugger to get into standard headers like the one on my Lexion >:(

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Its getting close now should be an interesting harvest as the farm has doubled for this harvest around 5000acres of combineable crops we have 2 sts combines but the ground is over various parts of staffordshire :P We have got our 3 6920's for carting plus 4 more we are hiring in plus hiring some trailers.

Going to be a long summer ;D

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Sounds like you need to be asking if there is a sleeper cab option on the STS combine then  ::):D :D

The extensions are the dogs bo*****s ;Dyou can rake the crop in with out worrying about shedding as it falls on the header ;D i used 1 last year at my last jod on the cts

Yeah i've had a vario header on a demo 4/580 in the past, i hate having to leave 18 inch stubble just to get it to feed in the combine on tall crops of rape and shattering pods on it and the beans  >:(

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Lets hope the boss doesn't see your idea for a sleepcab as he will love that idea cause i'm sure as it is he works on a 28hour day ;D ;D

I agree with you about leaving stubble i used to hate doing that too, i was tauch to treat combining as the 1st cultivation cause is you don't do a good tidy job cultivation is not so easy we always try to think of the next operation

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Lets hope the boss doesn't see your idea for a sleepcab as he will love that idea cause i'm sure as it is he works on a 28hour day ;D ;D

I agree with you about leaving stubble i used to hate doing that too, i was tauch to treat combining as the 1st cultivation cause is you don't do a good tidy job cultivation is not so easy we always try to think of the next operation

Thats too right, Claas headers are terrible for taking in tall crops, the worst year i had was 2 years ago when there was a lot of charlock in the rape, the stubble was 2 feet long in places and all had to be disced a couple of times to chop it up for the plough. The boss annoys me if he takes over at anytime because if he stops for any reason he sits atill and you get a massive pile of chopped straw, doesn't take a genious to work out if you back it up it ploughs in easier, especially when i plough just over half our 3600 acres

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Looks a good set up to me, my boss won't even try a John Deere combune on demo for some reason. Bet that rape extension is handy as its a bugger to get into standard headers like the one on my Lexion >:(

I second that vario was whole lot easier then normal header claas supplies and i was only on a 15ft 405 :D :D easier on the 480 at 25ft vario. I always had about a foot plus stubble on it like gavin just so didnt get to much losses on the header needless to say boss didnt do this ::) ::):D

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  • 5 weeks later...

The loses are no differnet to any thing else i have drove you do just have to change setting slightly in the heat of the day as you smash the straw up more and in turn you get more over the sieves ! But to day b4 the rain on oats i was getting next to nothing on the flor behind.

some times people forget how big headers are now so when you look behind in the swath there looks more but it has come from 30foot so it soon disapears if you were to spread the loses over that distance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As it is pi**ing down here and we have been stood down for the day ;D I have finally had chance to resize a few pics so here you go

!st pic my sts with zurn header extension waitng on a grain trailer

2nd pic my sts in wheat



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Nice pictures James, how's harvest progressing with you? We've been stood down for the weekend as it pi$$ed it down friday afternoon, night, saturday all day, saturday night and on and off today! How do you find the quality of the straw behind the STS as our neighbour has one and the straw looked like it had been pre chopped in the swath?

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Alrite Gav

Harvest is progressing well , i think i heard a total thrown about last night of 1600acres to go but it was 1:30am so i wasn't really paying much attention ::) We have been getting a nice lot of straw out of the combines in a 100 acre field i cut last saturday i had the baler men complain cause there was 1 hell of a great swath but some times in the heat of the day we do smash it a bit but i just adjust the rotor and concave to suit.

Hows it going with you?

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Not going too bad, only one minor breakdown so far, not bad for a 9 year old combine with 2100hrs on it! Winter barley is all done (500acres), OSr all don (65 acres) and spring barley is 3/4s done with only 150 out of 600 acres left now. Should be on wheat within 2 days when we get going again with about 700 acres of that to do and 200 of beans spread over 30 miles. Hopefully the bosses father should be with us soon with his Lexion 460 as well so we will soon pull a hole in it. This amount of work really does push our 460  over her limit and Claas have told us they don't know of another one doing so many acres! Best bit-no more fires either-YET!

I did wonder if the smashed up straw could have been prevented but i think its only going for burning and carrots so probably doesn't matter too much.

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You got a long month yet you 2 dont you :D :D :D (i can rub it in) what daily out putt are you getting out of the STS cts boy ???

You can rub it in all you like, but we'll still have a full time job at the end of this week  ;D::) ::):D :D :)

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