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Hello.  My name is Jeff and I reside in California.  I’m new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself.  My father recently passed away, and left me with a rather large collection of tractors, trucks, etc.  Ultimately I’m looking to get some insight and maybe a bit of an education in regards to what exactly I have, as I literally haven’t a clue.  Is there value?  Do I hang on to them?  If I wanted to sell, what would be the appropriate outlet?  Sorry for all of the questions… this is definitely not my expertise.  I do have a handful of pictures I can send, I’m just not sure if “Introduce Yourself” was the appropriate forum topic to do so.  Any assistance would be so greatly appreciated.  

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Hi Jeff, welcome along. Sorry to hear of your loss, difficult times I'm sure.

That's a great collection, it displays well. Did your dad work in the construction industry and collect models of machines he'd seen or used? I'm not well up on construction gear but I' sure others will be able to identify what machines and trucks you have.

Personally, if there is room to store or display, then I'd keep it and then could be passed on to the next generation perhaps. If that's not an option then there are specialist toy/model auction houses that could aid in dispersal for you. Unfortunately it's a decision only you can make.


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16 hours ago, Hair Bear said:

Hi Jeff, welcome along. Sorry to hear of your loss, difficult times I'm sure.

That's a great collection, it displays well. Did your dad work in the construction industry and collect models of machines he'd seen or used? I'm not well up on construction gear but I' sure others will be able to identify what machines and trucks you have.

Personally, if there is room to store or display, then I'd keep it and then could be passed on to the next generation perhaps. If that's not an option then there are specialist toy/model auction houses that could aid in dispersal for you. Unfortunately it's a decision only you can make.


I agree with Rob👍

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Hi Jeff, Sorry to hear of your lose, Your late Father had a very nice collection of "Big Iron", mostly fairly standard models, how ever some of the older models like the Cat 854G wheeled dozer would fetch a decent price, I would advise you to become a member of DHSdiecsat, They're based out of Berea Ohio, Plenty of experets on there would will be able to assist you,




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