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the hydraulic quadrant levers had a position called "CONSTANT PUMPING" that I don't seem to remember anyone mentioning in any of the articles. One had to set this position to effect the set-up. I guess it must have meant a pressure relief valve blowing most of the time in the circuit, not good practice in most hydraulic systems.

Surly not Daddy.... wasn't pressure control just served on the bottom quadrant lever... constant pumping is just for unhooking autohitches and trailers I thought - leaving a tractor in constant pumping for more than a few seconds is tantermount to vandalism... you may as well spray "TTT Woz ere" all over FTF headquaters  :o
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Surly not Daddy.... wasn't pressure control just served on the bottom quadrant lever... constant pumping is just for unhooking autohitches and trailers I thought - leaving a tractor in constant pumping for more than a few seconds is tantermount to vandalism... you may as well spray "TTT Woz ere" all over FTF headquaters  :o

That's what we were taught at Plumpton in the early 70's where we had a 165 with it on the quadrant...it would be interesting to read what an official handbook says.
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That's what we were taught at Plumpton in the early 70's where we had a 165 with it on the quadrant...it would be interesting to read what an official handbook says.

I'd better find out Mr F... I will report back as soon as I have the details to hand  ;)
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Surly not Daddy.... wasn't pressure control just served on the bottom quadrant lever... constant pumping is just for unhooking autohitches and trailers I thought - leaving a tractor in constant pumping for more than a few seconds is tantermount to vandalism... you may as well spray "TTT Woz ere" all over FTF headquaters  :o

              You used the constant pumping settig for tipping trailers or to provide  a continuous flow for hydraulic motors, or the like. A,ll Masseys had a continuous pumping setting irrelavent of wether they had pressure control or not.

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              You used the constant pumping settig for tipping trailers or to provide  a continuous flow for hydraulic motors, or the like. A,ll Masseys had a continuous pumping setting irrelavent of wether they had pressure control or not.

Too right Allis... even Fanny has constant pumping.. the debate is... do you use CP for Pressure control operations  ???
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Too right Allis... even Fanny has constant pumping.. the debate is... do you use CP for Pressure control operations  ???

                No ,not as I recall, we used to have a 135 with pressure control, if my memory serves me correctly the top half of the Position control quadrant was used for normal linkage operations, but by moving the lever down into the bottom half , pressure control came into play and you varied the applied pressure in a similar way to which draft control operated. Mind you this was 25 years ago and we very rarely used it so I might be wrong.

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I'm with you on that one I reckon Allis... but daddy Ford thinks he recalls being taught to use PC with contstant pumping running...

I will get a manual from my local dealers and find Masseys "definative" stance on the operation of PC  ;)

My money is on you though  ;)

Altrhough... nigel is a highly repsected and knowledgeable man when it comes to issues like this  :-\

Ooooo what to do...

Place your bets now gentleman (and ladies)...

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I'm with you on that one I reckon Allis... but daddy Ford thinks he recalls being taught to use PC with contstant pumping running...

I will get a manual from my local dealers and find Masseys "definative" stance on the operation of PC  ;)

My money is on you though  ;)

Altrhough... nigel is a highly repsected and knowledgeable man when it comes to issues like this  :-\

Ooooo what to do...

Place your bets now gentleman (and ladies)...

              I don't think you could use pressure control with constant pumping running , because you had to push the lever past the constant pumping position to get to the pressure control area of the quadrant.

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Thanks John... but was it the draft control leaver... or the position control lever that was used... if it was the draft lever... you could potentialy have it in CP I guess as well  ???

              No, to use position or pressure control, the draft lever would be left in the fully up position. Draft control is only any use with a three point linkage mounted implement like a plough or discs or similar where the draft control is used to set the working depth and position control is used to lift and lower the implement. In this situation pressure control is usless ,as basically it can only be used with a trailed implement.

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Allis is right, you put draft lever 'up' and pushed  position control lever through Constant pumping to the Pressure Control segment and just adjusted it there. IIRC draft was yellow, Position was red, CP was pale blue and Press. control was black.

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Allis is right, you put draft lever 'up' and pushed  position control lever through Constant pumping to the Pressure Control segment and just adjusted it there. IIRC draft was yellow, Position was red, CP was pale blue and Press. control was black.

Thanks John... and Allis... it all seems clear to me now  ;)
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It's clear to me now too.... the whole lower half of the nearer (short, square-topped) lever's quadrant is constant pumping over the area marked PRESSURE CONTROL (not just the small middle area) so it appears my memory is correct on this despite only meeting the use of it during a college lecture 35 yrs ago or so?  ;):):o

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Like most topics on FTF ol is often well late now days getting to them but I'll add my wee bit any way.

My old boss had a MF 165 that was parked in a drying shed runing a PTO driven grain dryer many many years ago.He was telling me one morning he bumped the "constant pumping" lever in on the tractor while setting it up on morning and the tractor sat there all day pumping nothing.The tractor was never the same again he said.Because the pump had gotten hot and cooked it self.

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It's clear to me now too.... the whole lower half of the nearer (short, square-topped) lever's quadrant is constant pumping over the area marked PRESSURE CONTROL (not just the small middle area) so it appears my memory is correct on this despite only meeting the use of it during a college lecture 35 yrs ago or so?  ;):):o

              Don't think your quite right there Nigel, constant pumping was only in the middle section , if you were tipping a trailer you put the lever into constant pumping, if you pushed it to pressure control it stopped tipping.

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My old boss had a MF 165 that was parked in a drying shed runing a PTO driven grain dryer many many years ago.He was telling me one morning he bumped the "constant pumping" lever in on the tractor while setting it up on morning and the tractor sat there all day pumping nothing.The tractor was never the same again he said.Because the pump had gotten hot and cooked it self.

I think that the CP 'relief valve was set a full hyd. pressure, whereas the Press. Control had a separate variable relief valve which was designed for flow the whole time... :)

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we have one of these sitting on a pallet at the farm i think it was for the 135 or when there was the 165 or 185 but would be nice to use it sometime on the old trailer ransomes cultivator

make sure the thing is soild and strong enough then... they exert quite some upwards force... a 135/165 with Pressure Control runs at a higher 3,000 psi (non PC are 2500 psi)

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